It can be a struggle to find baby girl names with cute nicknames! Especially if you have your heart set on a nickname, but want a full name to go with it.
Choosing your baby’s first name is an important decision, and finding cute baby girl names is harder when it’s your own new baby girl! Many parents find themselves struggling with choosing names with a special meaning, honoring family members, or just picking cute girl names that go well with their last name.

Fortunately, on this baby name list I have included a variety of names and the different meanings. If you want to honor your family members, you can always choose middle names that reflect them. Choose a name for your baby daughter that brings you joy!
Whether you are looking for unique girl names, something more popular, long or short girl names, you’ll find a great name on this list.
Related: 150+ Adorable Nicknames for Girls
Best Baby Girl Names With Cute Nicknames
- Adeline – a French name that means “noble” and is commonly shortened to Addie.
- Alaina – this French girl name means “precious” – just like its nicknames: Laine, Lainey and Allie
- Alessandra – meaning “defender of men”, this Italian girl name is loaded with style! You can call her Allie, Alessia, Alessi, Lessi, Sandra, Sasha, or Sandy if you love a sophisticated girl name with adorable nicknames.
- Alexandra/Alexandria – Alexandra is the feminine form of Alexander. It means “defender of men” and is of Greek origins. Alexandra is a classic girl name that has many nicknames. You can call her Alex, Allie, Lexie, Sasha, or Alexa.
- Alexis – a Greek name that means “protector”. It can be shortened to Lexis, Lexi, Alex, or Allie.
- Amelia – this is the perfect name for parents that want options! The name Amelia is one of the most popular baby girl names in the United States. It means “hardworking” and has Greek roots. Great nicknames include Mia, Amy, Millie and Mel.
- Anastasia – a gorgeous name of Greek and Russian origins that means “resurrection”. Cute nicknames include Ana and Stacy.
- Angelina – a beautiful Greek name that means “heavenly messenger”. Names like Ange, Angel, Lina, or Angie are sweet nicknames for this beautiful name.
- Annabelle – a French girl name that means “favored grace”. This name can be shortened to Anna, Annie, or Belle.
- Annalise/Annaliese – a beautiful baby girl name of Latin origins meaning “graced with God’s bounty.” You can call her Anna, Annie, or Lissy.
- Ariella – a Hebrew name meaning “lioness of God”. This strong girl name can be shortened to Ari or Ella.
- Aurora – a beautiful Latin name that means “dawn”, this name is often shortened to Rory.
- Ashley – of Old English origins meaning “dweller by the ash tree meadow”. This girl name is fairly popular in English-speaking countries and the most common nickname is Ash.
- Ashlyn – a cute Irish name that means “dream”, this name also has the nickname Ash.
- Aubriana – an American girl name with German roots, this name means “elf-ruler”. This unique girl name can be shortened to Aubri, Bri, Aubs, or Briana.
- Aubriella – an American girl name with French roots, this adorable girl name means either “God Is My Strength” or “Elf Leader”. Aubriella can be shortened to Aubri, Bella, or Briella.
- Audrina – this sophisticated girl name comes from the Old English origins and means “noble strength”. Audrina can be shortened to Audri, Audra, or Drina.
- Azalea – this unique flower name means “dry” and is derived from the Greek word “azaleos”. Possible nicknames include Aza, Azzie and Lea.
- Beatrix – a Latin and German girl name that means “voyager”. While this name feels classic and old-fashioned, you can give her a spunky nickname like Birdie or Trixie.
- Calla – this beautiful name has Greek roots and means “beauty”. Callie makes a really cute nickname!
- Camellia – a unique girl name with Latin roots that means “young”. The camellia flower is known for its bright pink petals and luscious blooms. Cute nicknames include Cam, Cami/Cammy, Millie, Meme, and Lia.
- Camila – Camila is a very sophisticated name and can be shorted to Cammy or Mila as nicknames. It is a Portuguese girl name that means “religious attendant”.
- Carmella – a gorgeous Hebrew name that means “garden”. This name has a few potential nicknames, like Carm and Ella.
- Cassandra – an Ancient Greek name that means “to excel over men”. Great nicknames include Cassie, Sandy, Cass and Sandra.
- Cassidy – Cassidy is a very pretty baby girl name, and can even be shortened to Cassie! The name Cassidy is Irish and means “curly haired.”
- Cassiopeia – this is a very unique baby girl name with cute nicknames! Cassiopeia is of Greek origins and is in reference to the constellation. In Greek mythology, Cassiopeia was a vain queen who was punished for her arrogance by having to sit upside down in her throne in the heavens (the story behind her constellation). Potential nicknames include Cass and Cassie. This is a great choice for parents that love celestial baby names.
- Catherine – The name Catherine is of Greek origin meaning “pure” and is popular among parents that like vintage girl names. There are many different variations of the name Catherine, including Katherine, Cathryn and Kathryn. Catherine can be shortened to Cathy, Cat, Kit, Kitty, Catie/Katie, or Kay.
- Cecelia – also spelled Cecilia, this lovely name is of Latin origin and means “blind”. The name Cecelia is pronounced “ses-eel-ee-ya” and is often shortened to Cece.
- Charlotte – this sweet girl name is of French origins and means “free man”. The name Charlotte is often shortened to Charlie or Lottie and is one of the most popular baby names in the United States.
- Cora – a short name that means “maiden” and has Greek origins. Though this name is already short, you can use Coco or Cory as a pet name.
- Coralie – is a unique baby girl name that can be easily shortened to Cora or Coco. It is a French name that means “coral.”
- Delaney – an adorable girl name of Irish origin that means “dark challenger”. This name can be shortened to Lane or Laney.
- Delilah – Delilah is of Hebrew origin and means “delicate.” Nicknames include Dede, Lilah, and Lilly.
- Eden – a biblical name with Hebrew origins that means “place of pleasure”. Edie is a cute nickname for Eden.
- Edith – an Old English name meaning “riches”. You can call her Edie for a super sweet nickname.
- Eleanora – a cute Greek name that means “shining light” and has beautiful nicknames like Ellie and Nora.
- Eliana – a beautiful Hebrew girl name that means “my God has answered my prayers”. The most popular nickname is Ellie, but it can also be shortened to Elle or Liana.
- Elizabeth – a variation of the Hebrew name Elisheva that meaning “My God is an oath”. This name has been in the top 25 baby names since the early 1900s according to the Social Security Administration list of most popular names. This is the perfect baby name for parents that want a timeless girl name. Possible nicknames include Liz, Lizzie, Eliza, Ellie, Elsie, Beth and Betty.
- Ellison – a gender neutral name that means “son of Ellis” and is of English origin. Ellie is a great nickname for Ellison.
- Eloise – a French baby girl name that means “healthy”. This vintage girl name is coming back into the spotlight, with popular nicknames of Ellie or Louie.
- Elsa – a German girl name that means “pledged to God”. This cute baby name comes with nicknames Ellie and Elsie.
- Emerson – a unisex name with German roots that means “brave”. It is also spelled Emersyn and the most popular nickname is Emmy.
- Emmeline – Pronounced either emma-leen or emma-line, it’s a charming way to spruce up the popular baby names Emma or Emily. Emmeline is of French, English and German origin and means “hard working.” This long name can be given a sweet nickname like Emma, Emmie or Milly.
- Esmerelda – if you are a fan of long names, Esmerelda might be a good name for you! This Spanish name means “emerald” and has nicknames like Esme, Essie, or Mel.
- Evangeline – this sweet name is of Greek origin and means “bearer of good news.” Good nicknames include Ev, Evie, Angie and Angel.
- Florence – a Latin girl name that means “blossoming” and can be shortened to Flo, Flora, or Flossie.
- Francesca – a beautiful Italian girl name that means “free”. You can call her Frankie if you love gender-neutral names, or go with something more feminine like Chessa or Frannie.
- Gabrielle/Gabriella – Gabriella can be shortened to Gabby, Brielle, Bri, Ella, or even Bella! It means “God is my stength” and is a Hebrew name.
- Genevieve – The exact origins of this name are unclear, but it is possibly of German origins meaning “tribe woman.” It is most commonly pronounced “jen-uh-veev” in the United States. The French pronunciation is “jen-vee-ev”. A good nickname for this name is Gen, Ginny, Ev, or Vivi.
- Georgia – a Greek baby name meaning “farmer” with an adorable nickname Georgie.
- Gianna – a gorgeous Italian girl name that means “God is gracious”. Adorable nicknames include Gia and Gigi.
- Ginger – another plant based name with an adorable nickname! This name means “pure” and has English origins. Ginny makes for the perfect nickname for the name Ginger and is popular among parents that like old-fashioned names.
- Gwendolyn – This rare retro girl name means “white ring” and is of Celtic origins. Gwendolyn is often shortened to Gwen for a cute nickname.
- Gwyneth – meaning “happiness”, this Welsh name has the nickname Gwynn.
- Hadley – an English name that means “heather field” and can be shortened to Haddie.
- Henrietta – of Old German origin meaning “home ruler”. The short form of Henrietta is typically Etta or Hattie for a unique twist on an old fashioned name.
- Isabella/Isabelle – Isabella means “God is my oath” and is a Hebrew name. This is a very popular name in both the United States and in England. It is commonly shortened to Izzy or Bella.
- Jasmine – a Persian girl name that means “gift from God” with possible nicknames like Jas/Jaz or Jazzy.
- Josephine – this cute name means “Jehovah will grow” and has French origins. This royal girl name has many super cute nicknames, including Jo, Joey, JoJo and Josie.
- Julia – this Latin girl name means “youthful” and has nicknames Jules or Jewel.
- Juliana – a variation of Julia, this girl name can also be shortened to Jules or Jewel.
- Juliette – a French name that means “young”. It can be shortened to Julie, Jules or Etta.
- Juniper – this cute name is on the rise! Derived from the Latin word ‘juniperus’, the name Juniper means “youth”. Adorable nicknames include June or Juni.
- Kiana – perfect for parents that love cool baby names, the name Kiana can be shortened to KiKi. It has Hawaiian roots and means “divine”.
- Kenley – a gender-neutral name that means “King’s meadow”, this name can be shortened to Ken or Kenny.
- Kimberly – an English girl name that means “from the royal meadow”. This name can be shortened to Kimber, Kim, or Kimmy and is great for parents that want a classic baby girl name.
- Kinsley – a British girl name that means “King’s meadow”. This is a cute and trendy girl name that has nicknames Kinney or Kins.
- Lauren – a popular name in the 1990s, this French name that means “laurel plant” and can be shortened to Laur, Lo, Lolo or Lola.
- Lillian – a Latin name that means “lily flower”, this beautiful girl name is often shortened to Lilly or Lily.
- Lilliana – a variation of the name Lillian.. Popular nicknames are Lil or Lilly.
- Loretta – an English name that means “bay laurel”. This name is commonly shortened to Lottie, Lori, or Etta.
- Lucille – a cute girl name of French origins that means “light”. The name Lucille is often shortened to Lucy.
- Luella – The name Luella is an Old English name and means “famous warrior”. Luella is a very unique vintage girl name that has been lost in time! It would be so cute to call her LuLu or Ella as a nickname.
- Mackenzie – a unisex name with Scottish roots, the name Mackenzie means “son of Kenneth”. It is a common Irish and Scottish last name. You can call your little girl Mack, Kenz or Kenzie.
- Mackenna – also spelled Makenna, this name has a few cute nicknames! You can call her Mack, Kenna, or Kenny. This name means “son of the handsome one” and has Irish roots.
- Madeleine – The name Madeleine means “woman from Magdala” and is of French origin. It is also spelled Madeline or Madelyn. The most common nickname for this name is Maddie.
- Magdelena – a Greek name that means “woman from Magdala”. This different name feels more familiar with nicknames like Meg, Maggie and Lena.
- Magnolia – a Latin name that means “flower”. This sweet girl’s name can be shortened to Maggie, Meg, or Noli for a less formal name.
- Marcella – a name of Latin origin with Italian roots that means “warlike”. This girls name has cute nicknames like Marcy and Ella.
- Marigold – an English name that means “golden flower”. This charmingly vintage girl name has adorable nickname options like Mari or Goldie. It is popular among parents that like nature names.
- Margaret – Perfect for parents that want a more vintage name for their little princes! Margaret is often shortened to Margot, Maggie, or Margie. The name means “pearl” and is derived from the French name Marguerite.
- Matilda – a sophisticated girl name German origin that means “battle mighty”. It can be shortened to Mattie or Tilly for a cute nickname.
- Maxine – a cute girl name of Latin origins and means “greatest”. Maxine is an old fashioned baby name that is a good choice for parents that love the nickname Max.
- Melanie – usually shortened to Mel, this Greek girl name means “blackness”
- Millicent – a German name that means “strength”. The best nickname for this name is Millie.
- Mirabella – The name Mirabella is of Latin origin and means “wonderful.” Cute nicknames include Mira, Bella and MiMi.
- Nicole – a French baby name that means “victory of the people”. There are a few different nicknames that can be used with Nicole, including Nicky, Nic, or the less popular Colie.
- Nicolette – a variation of Nicole, this name can also be shortened to Colette.
- Olivia – a popular girl name that means “olive tree” and has Latin roots. The most popular nicknames are Ollie, Liv, and Livvy.
- Penelope – a Greek name that means “weaver” and is growing in popularity! This name has lots of cool nicknames like Penn, Penny, and Poppy.
- Primrose – this name means “first rose of Spring” and has British origins. Primrose are known for yellow flowers that bloom early in the year, making it a sweet floral name for a springtime baby. This name can be shortened to Prim or Rose.
- Rebecca/Rebekah – a Hebrew name meaning “captivating” and is a biblical name that appears in the Old Testament.
- Remington – a gender-neutral name that means “place on the riverbank” and has Old English roots. Remington is popular among parents that want names that can be either girl or boy names and love the nickname Remi.
- Rosemary – this classic name has a few cute nicknames. Rosemary is a Latin name that means “dew of the sea” and is commonly shortened to Rosie and Rose.
- Samantha – a Hebrew girl name meaning “God has heard”. Samantha is one of the more common girl names on this list and is usually shortened to Sam or Sammy/Sami.
- Shealey – this unique name has Irish origins and means “dauntless”. It is commonly shortened to Shea.
- Shealynn – of Gaelic origins meaning “from the faeries place”, this cute name can be shortened to Shea.
- Skyler – a British name that means “scholar”. It is also spelled Schuyler or Skylar and is a unisex baby name that has the nickname Sky.
- Theodora – a beautiful Greek girl name that means “gift of God”. Nickname options include Thea, Dora, and Dori.
- Theresa – This old-fashioned girl name means “late summer” and is of Greek origins. Also spelled Teresa, and this sweet name is often shortened to Tess, Tessa, Reese, Terry and Tressa.
- Veronica – a Greek girl name that means “she who brings victory”. This name has tons of great nicknames, including Vivi, Vonnie, Ronnie, or Ricky.
- Victoria – the name Victoria means “victory” and has Latin origins. Great nicknames include Vicky and Tori.
- Vivian/Vivienne – a Latin girl name that means “lively”. The most popular nickname for this name is Vivi.
- Wilhelmina – This unique classic girl name has been lost in time. Wilhelmina is of German origins and means “protector”. It can be shortened to Willie, Billie, or Minnie. This name is great for parents that favor long baby names.
- Winona – a Native American name meaning “first-born daughter”. The names Winnie or Nonnie are unique nicknames for Winona.
Related: 201+ Twin Girl Names (That Start With The Same Letter)
If you picked a name from this list of baby girl names, leave a comment! I’d love to hear what your little princess is named.
