If you’re making these mistakes, chances are your baby isn’t sleeping through the night. If you want a good sleeper, make sure you follow these baby sleep tips!
Don’t you just hate when people say things like, “my baby started to sleep through the night at 10 minutes old!!!”
Yeah, same.
Now, my youngest did start sleeping through the night at 8 weeks (and still loves to go to bed), but that was NOT by accident! I learned a lot from my first-born, and I made sure to make some changes. My oldest was not a good sleeper, and that really, really sucked.
For the how-to on how I got my baby to sleep through the night, click here.
Fortunately, we turned the corner with that and she sleeps great every night now. There are going to be people that recommend tons of crazy things, so read up and learn as much as you can to see what fits your family best. These baby sleep tips definitely helped our baby sleep!

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Co-sleeping vs. Bed-sharing
Co-sleeping means your child is sleeping near you, whereas bed-sharing means they are in your bed. Co-sleeping is recommended by the The American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP), whereas bed-sharing is known to increase the risk of suffocation and infant death.
I’ve heard time and time again that people love bed-sharing with their kids. It is not for me… at all. Here and there my infant would fall asleep in my bed after breastfeeding, and I’d let it slide for an hour or two. The snuggles are great, and I love that time with them, but as a nurse I have an overwhelming understanding of the risk of SIDS and it is not a risk I’m willing to take.
Also, I don’t like to be touched when I’m sleeping, and I can’t fully relax if I’m being snuggled or laid on. I need my space when I sleep, and thankfully my kids don’t like to sleep with me, either!
My kids did share a room with me the first few months. We kept them in a bassinet next to the bed which was super convenient for breastfeeding. Once they started sleeping through the night, they went into their own rooms and cribs. The AAP recommends room-sharing for the first year, but between me and my husband, our tossing and turning was waking the baby.
Everyone slept much better once the kids moved into their own rooms!
I’ve learned a lot over the years, and I struggled a ton. I want to share some of the most common sleep mistakes that I, as well as my mom-friends who I’ve discussed this with, have made and how you can keep yourself from doing the same!

1. Bedtime starts too late
If you’re a working parent and your only time with your kids is in the evening, then this really really sucks.
The magic number for bedtime is different for everyone, but it tends to be a lot sooner than you may think! I’ve found between 6:30-7:30PM for babies and 7:30-8:30PM for toddlers to be the best time to get the kids down.
If you wait too long, they’ll be too overstimulated and overtired to settle down. It will take a lot longer, and be a bigger struggle the longer you wait!
Look for cues your child is getting tired. Are they laying on you? Rubbing their eyes? Getting fussy? Stumbling or losing balance? These are some great cues that your child is sleepy and it’s time to get those pajamas on and settle in.
And this early bedtime means you’ll have time for some self-care and unwinding with your partner!
2. The room is too hot or cold
Room temperature can definitely impact your baby’s sleep! This is a baby sleep tip that is often overlooked.
I vividly remember my discharge nurse on the day I was bringing my oldest home from the hospital drill into my head:
“68-72 degrees is what the temperature of the house should be for the baby. You don’t want her to get too hot or cold.”
I was panicked! We lived in an old, drafty house and our bedrooms were often cool in the winter.
I was so terrified my baby would freeze or overheat to death that it kept me up at night checking on her!
No need to panic – but remember that babies have a harder time regulating heat than adults.
You should never put a blanket in a baby’s crib as they could suffocate or become tangled. However, these super cool sleep sacks will keep your baby toasty warm and safe!
Also, Ergobaby (yes, the same awesome company that makes the baby carriers!) also makes sleep sacks and swaddles. If you bundle (buy 2) you get 20% off of the cost! This saves you between $10-15, and if you’re like me, you can’t pass up a good bargain. The robot and pineapple prints are my favorite!
In the summertime, you can get by in just a onesie for your little one if you don’t have air conditioning. Check out this post of adorable personalized baby onesies!
3. You put baby to bed when they’re already asleep
This one is hard, and it’s one of those baby sleep tips that you’ll want to ignore.
It’s so easy to rock and sing your baby into a slumber every time. I mean, how adorable are their smushy little faces when their eyelids get heavy and they relax into your arms!?
Not gonna lie, I let my babies fall asleep in my arms. But you shouldn’t make it a habit — just a special occasion!
Instead, comfort and rock your baby until they are *almost* asleep, and then gently lay them down. You may need to stand at the crib and stroke their little face or pat their bum for a few seconds to resettle them, but ultimately they are falling asleep without needing to be held and that is a HUGE step.
Like I said, here and there it’s great to let them sleep on you! I always do when my kids are sick…I want them to know that mommy is here to comfort you and make you feel better, but the expectation is that they don’t need that to fall asleep.
4. Not using white noise
Lindsey didn’t buy a white noise machine. Lindsey’s baby woke up at every sound. Don’t be like Lindsey, buy a sound machine.
I swear, my kids are conditioned to get sleepy when they hear one! As soon as it turns on, their eyelids get heavy.
Because of our awesome white noise machine, they don’t wake up when the Amazon guy brings our packages, when the dog barks, or when the toilet flushes.
It’s a soothing sound as well! I read once that white noise is similar to the sounds babies hear in the womb, and that tends to be super soothing. If you want your baby to sleep through the night, this is a must.
5. Too much stimulation before bed
Creating a quiet environment before bedtime is one of the baby sleep tips that I wasn’t following with my oldest.
I’m not fond of a quiet house…so I usually have music or a TV show on in the background.
But I learned to reduce all of that stimulation for an hour or so before bed. Instead, we read books, sing songs, or just snuggle and walk around.
Everyone has a different threshold for stimulation, so your baby may do just fine with some soft music or the lights getting low. It serves as a signal for them that rest is coming and it’s time to settle down.
6. Not making bedtime a priority
You need a consistent bedtime routine for your baby!
With my oldest I was like, “I’m a cool mom. My baby will go to bed when they are ready. There’s no pressure. We’re super chill first time parents!”
Don’t do that. Your baby wants consistency at bedtime.
And a consistent bedtime routine is a gentle way to “sleep train” your baby. It tells them that when mommy and daddy do A then B and then C, I’m supposed to sleep.
Once your baby learns that association, bedtime becomes a breeze! The routine will be so ingrained into their sweet tiny heads that you’ll see them getting sleepier and sleepier throughout the process.
Check out this post to get an idea of what a bedtime routine looks like!
Are you making these baby sleep mistakes?
The good news is, it’s easy to fix them as long as you are consistent and on the same page with your child’s other caregivers. Once everyone is on Team Sleep (including your babe), life will get a little easier!
I hope this post of baby sleep tips was helpful to you! While you’re here, follow me on Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest, or join my email list with the form below.

Thanks for the tips