We’re always looking for fun ways to incorporate learning into play. This fun outdoor chalk activity is the perfect way to do just that!
This game is so versatile, it could be adapted to become a fun outdoor game for toddlers, preschoolers, and for elementary school children, too!
When we played this fun game using just chalk and a spray bottle, I instantly started thinking of all of the ways we could expand on it! It’s always refreshing to have a game with no equipment or a lot of set-up required.

Discovering new ways to play can be a challenge!
I’m not a true “stay-at-home mom,” but I consider myself one because I do mostly stay at home with my kids. I work a day or two a week, usually in the evenings, as a labor and delivery nurse.
The rest of the time the kids are with me, my husband, or my mom! And no, we don’t just stay at home. We go to parks and playgrounds, museums, zoos and playdates.
But there’s this little piece of me that wonders if that’s enough for my kids. I try my best to incorporate learning activities, but let’s be honest, it’s not an all-day-long thing.
They’re very smart, and I’ve often wondered if they would benefit from going to a learning center or daycare a day or two a week. I try my best to incorporate sensory play, gross motor play, creative activities, and more, but it’s a lot to think about!
But, the truth is, I like having them home! And I don’t think they’re behind, and there’s plenty of time for them to excel in school later.
I mean, after all, they’re only 16 and 32 months old (AKA almost one and a half and nearly 3). Why are us moms so hard on ourselves?
Anyone can participate in this outdoor chalk activity! You can involve children of all ages in your household
My kids love playing outside. And what kid doesn’t love outdoor summer games? And a huge bonus that this sidewalk chalk activity also reinforces learning.
The way we played is perfect for toddlers and preschoolers, but it could easily be made harder for elementary aged children. That’s one of the best parts I think!
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What you need for the game
There isn’t a ton needed for this game, which is part of its charm.
All you need is:
How to play
Decide what you’re going to learn about today. For us, we did some shapes, colors and letters. I grabbed chalk and made some shapes, wrote some colors in the appropriate color chalk, and the letters we’ve been working on.
After filling a spray bottle with water, I gave it to my daughter and got her all hyped up (the key to any good game is a lot of hype!).
I called out a drawing and had her run to find it and spray it away!
Not only does this reinforce the learning of the shapes, colors and letters, but it works on her gross and fine motor skills. It was exciting and fun for her to see what I would call out next! She also loves any reason to use a squirt bottle.
Other ways to play
You could adapt this game to whatever you’re learning!
Fun ways to change this outdoor chalk activity:
- Give your child a flashcard of a math problem, have them spray the answer
- Spelling words
- Letters
- Numbers
- Give your child a box of small items to count. Have them spray the correct number of items
- Write down a rhyming word, have them spray the rhyme to the word you call out (example: you say “bat” and your child sprays “cat”)
Get creative! If you think of any more ways to play, please leave them in the comments below! It’s always fun to see what people come up with, and you may inspire another mama!
Tip: make it more challenging by adding a buzzer, or have a few children playfully compete to win a prize!
That’s it! This simple chalk activity had my daughter entertained for at least 20 minutes, and we’ve played it several times since!
We love using sidewalk chalk for games and activities. From hopscotch, to obstacle courses, tracing items, drawing pictures or roads, and more, the fun is endless!
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