Stepdads deserve to be recognized on Father’s Day, too! Grab your free printable Father’s Day questionnaire for stepdads for your preschooler or kindergartener to answer.
There’s really nothing sweeter than when your child fills out a survey about their parent. I love hearing all of the answers from kids as they describe their favorite meals, memories, and thoughts about their parent.
It can be hard to find these kind of printables for stepparents. That’s why I created a few of these Father’s Day printable questionnaires for stepdads!
There’s even a bonus printable coloring page for stepdads. And all of it is totally free.
Don’t forget to a questionnaire for your child’s father as well!
So if there’s a man that has stepped up to be your child’s stepfather, let’s celebrate them! They often do a lot of work as your child’s parent without all of the praise.
The concept is totally simple: print the questionnaire, ask your child the questions, and fill it out word for word. It’s like taking a peek inside your little one’s adorable brain!
These make an adorable keepsake as well. It will be so fun to read these when your child is all grown up!
Love free printables? Check out my free printable library.
I hope you and your family have an amazing Father’s Day! Don’t forget to celebrate your child’s stepparent on Father’s Day.

Printable Father’s Day Questionnaires for Stepdads

To download, click on the photos below.