These newborn sleep tips will help promote healthy sleep habits in your baby! These quick tips for a better sleeping baby might help you get a more restful night.
Baby’s sleep patterns are always a touchy subject for new parents. Everyone wants a good sleeper, but very few know how to make it happen!
I made a ton of mistakes when I had my oldest, and it’s possible you are making the same sleep mistakes, too!
With my second child, I was determined not to make the same mistakes as I did with my first. Like every parent, I lived and learned and did things differently the second time around.
I consulted with my pediatrician about the best ways to get your child to sleep through the night.
My second daughter slept through the night at 8 weeks old! It was a dream. I am hoping and praying that by following these baby sleep tips my third baby will be a good sleeper as well!
Keep reading for the best baby sleep tips that will help your baby sleep all night!

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Tips to help your baby sleep at night
1. Put the baby down at the same time every night
According to this article, once the baby is about 2 months old, their sleep schedules become more predictable. It’s a good idea to create a consistent bedtime around that time, so that your baby starts expecting bed time to come.
I’ve found good bedtime for a newborn is around 7PM. Your infant might need a later bedtime, but I’ve also noticed that the longer I waited, the less my baby slept!
Whatever time works best for your family is fine, just be consistent so your baby learns what to expect each night!
2. Make sure nap time isn’t too close to bed time
From my experience, I’ve noticed that the last nap needs to be about 2 hours away from bedtime. So if the baby naps from 4-5, she is ready for bedtime at 7!
As your child gets older, naps become more and more predictable and regular. Follow your baby’s cues, and put them down when they first start acting tired! That way they don’t get themselves too worked up to where they can’t sleep.

3. Follow the same bedtime routine every night
A consistent bedtime routine is the key to a good sleeper!
This was the advice my pediatrician gave me that helped my daughter sleep through the night by 8 weeks old.
The routine itself doesn’t really matter, as long as it is the same every single night. The whole routine should also start at the same time every night!
Here’s a few ideas of things that may be a part of your bedtime routine:
- Bath
- Lullabies
- Books
- Music
- Rocking or swaying
- Swaddling
- A bottle
- Sound machine
- Change of clothes
- Change diaper
Mom tip: make sure you are using the right kind of diaper at nighttime! If your baby is wet and uncomfortable, they won’t sleep!
4. Use a white noise machine
We have several of these noise machines for our kids. It has made a huge difference!
White noise machines serve a few purposes. They drown out background noise and when we turn it on we can see the kids’ eyes getting heavier.
When they hear it, they immediately start settling down! Their little brains go quiet as soon as the white noise machine is turned on.
I also keep a portable white noise machine in the car and on the stroller for naps on the go. It’s great when we’re out and about when they’re newborns and need a nap.
I’ve recommended this portable one to many friends who have LOVED it!
5. Sleep sack or swaddle baby
When your infant is not yet rolling over, swaddling the baby will help them sleep!
I’ve found velcro swaddles to be a complete game changer for those late night diaper changes. Who wants to be fussing with tucking and wrapping a blanket at 4am?!
Swaddle blankets made my list of most useless baby items. Do yourself a favor and get these velco swaddles instead.
Once my babies could roll over, I switched them to sleep sacks. It keeps them warm and snuggly since it’s not safe to have blankets in the crib.
Some kids really struggle with the transition from being swaddled. Having their arms free can sometimes startle them, but if they can roll onto their belly they need their arms free to prop their heads up to breathe.
I’ve never tried them before, but I have many friends who recommend the Zipadee Zip. It’s a great transition from the swaddle to having arms free, and still allows the baby to prop their heads up when they roll to their belly.
6. Extra baby snuggles before bedtime
Make some touching or cuddling a part of the bedtime routine! Whether it’s breastfeeding, rocking, singing, or just snuggling, there is no such thing as touching your baby too much!
Giving them a lot of contact before bed might help them feel more comfortable and secure as they fall asleep.
I always recommend putting the baby down drowsy but awake. This was advice given to me when my kids were little, and it helps them fall asleep on their own. Giving lots of contact before laying them down will help them not to miss you when you leave.
Creating healthy sleep habits in a newborn is very important! I hope these baby sleep tips help you create a good bedtime routine with your little one so that everyone can get a good night sleep!