Some kids are fussier than others. And that’s just the way it is sometimes! It’s taken a lot of trial and error, but within this post are my favorite ways to soothe a fussy baby.
Even if you have the happiest baby in the world, at some point your baby will be inconsolably fussy and you won’t know what to do! It will feel like you’ve tried everything and no matter what they just won’t stop crying.
I’ve been there, mama. And you know what?! So has EVERY OTHER PARENT!
In no way am I trying to minimize your situation. It’s frustrating, it’s exhausting, and it’s defeating.
You’re doing just fine. You are a wonderful parent, and your child is lucky to have you!
If you find yourself in this situation often, go through this list and try these tricks to calm your baby down! You may be surprised at how quickly your child will calm down and be happy when you find just the thing they needed.
Whether you have a “colicky” baby, or just the occasional fussiness, these tips and tricks will keep you sane in times of screaming.
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First things first: is there a reason the baby is fussy?
This may seem obvious, but we all get a mushy brain sometimes.
Here are a few things to check for the source of fussiness:
- Are they hungry?
- Do they need a nap?
- Do they need a new diaper?
- Are they too hot or cold?
- Is the baby in pain?
- Are they overstimulated?
Sometimes, you can check all of these and still not know why your kid is crying!
I’ll dive into more details throughout the post, but here’s a quick list:
Ways to soothe a crying baby:
- Car ride
- Fresh air
- Noise
- Shushing
- Bouncing
- Bath
- Patting
- Baby wearing
Keep reading for more details on each of the strategies above. If you find yourself running out of ways to soothe your fussy baby, maybe one or two of these are things you never thought of.
Go for a ride in the car
Put the baby in the car seat and go for a ride! If it’s warm enough, roll the windows down. There’s something about a car ride that always lulls my kids to sleep!
I vividly remember being 6 months pregnant with my second child, and up with my fussy toddler when she had a cold. After an hour of fussiness and screaming in the middle of the night, I put her in the car and drove the highway for a little while. I laid her sleepy body into bed less than an hour later, and we had a perfect night’s sleep afterwards!
Get some fresh air
Whether it’s just opening the windows, taking a walk outside, or sitting on the patio, sometimes a breath of fresh air is enough to calm a fussy child. There’s something about the change in temperature and fresh breeze that is soothing.
This may mean bundling up in blankets or hats, but it’s worth it if it calms the screaming! It may only take a few minutes of fresh air to calm down.
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Run the vacuum, hair dryer or sound machine
I’ve heard that these kinds of sounds are soothing to babies because it is similar to what they hear in the womb!
I don’t know how true that is, but I do know it’s effective! As you’ll read in my post about getting babies to sleep through the night, I am a huge fan of sound machines! We own a few of this one from Amazon.
Without fail, my kids would instantly stop screaming the second I would run the vacuum or dry my hair. It’s kind of awesome when you are fresh out of the shower, or if your house could use a quick clean, but otherwise it can be annoying. That’s where the sound machines are magic!
Hush with voice
Some babies just really loved to be “shushed.” I’m sure it goes along with the vacuum, dryer, and sound machine with it being a soothing noise.
Did you know they have voice shushers you can buy? This would have saved my mom a ton of breath if it existed 30 years ago…one of my brothers LOVED to be shushed!

Bounce around!
If you bounced on a birthing ball at all during your pregnancy or labor, your baby might like to bounce on one with you now! (I think birthing balls are one of the best things you can have to get you through labor, especially if you don’t want other pain medications!)
Sitting on a ball is also a great way to relieve some of the back pain you may have from carrying the baby around constantly. Plus, they can be used for exercise, too! I love this one from The Birth Ball because it comes with a book of postpartum exercises, as well as it’s own hand pump!
If a ball isn’t your jam, hold onto your baby and just bounce in place! You don’t have to leave the ground, just a gentle “bop” will do.
Sometimes just changing the baby’s position while you bop can be soothing. You can hold them facing outwards, in towards your body, and upright or lying down.
Sometimes the gentle movement of rocking is enough to calm your baby. If your baby seems happiest in a rocking chair, but you don’t want to be confined to your nursery all day, check out the Rocker Mama! It’s a portable rocking chair!! YES! You read that right. It weighs less than a 2 liter bottle of soda, and you can literally rock your baby anywhere.
It’s also perfect for traveling if your family is constantly on-the-go. I could see this being very useful for vacations or even just short get-aways. You’ll be the coolest mom or dad there!
This is seriously one of the coolest, most innovative baby products I’ve ever seen.
Give them a soothing bath
Now, if your child hates the bath, then this isn’t what you want to try. Otherwise, the warm water can be soothing and calming to a fussy babe.
Even now as my kids are older, we often do bath time as a way to break up the day! If I notice they’re bored or restless, they hop in the tub and are happy as can be. This is probably my favorite way to soothe a fussy baby and a fussy toddler!

Pat their butt or back gently
Of course, you should never ever ever hit or shake a baby. But a gentle, rhythmic pat on their back or bum may be all that they need!
Sometimes the crying and fussing is related to gas pains, and this may help them release the gas as well.
Baby wearing
Let’s face it…some kids are just fussy. It’s no one’s fault, and there’s not a reason for alarm if the child is healthy.
Babywearing can be an awesome way to keep your child snug and close to you where they are most comfortable, while also being able to tend to other children or household duties.
There are tons of baby carriers out there, and it’s really just a personal preference.
Here are my favorite baby carriers:
The Lillebaby was the first baby carrier I bought! I love it because I’m 5’6” and my husband is 6’6” and we can BOTH wear it! It’s very adjustable and easy to switch between the two of us when we’re out.
I used the Lillebaby for outings a lot when my babies were little! When she’d get restless in the stroller, I’d throw on the carrier quickly and I’d have a happy baby. It’s perfect for trips to the grocery store, and is flexible and not super large (aka you can easily throw it in a diaper bag!)
It feels very secure, and I’ve used it from the time they were a baby until they were about a year old! It’s very supportive, but I will say, it does get kind of hot. It’s definitely a lot bulkier than a carrier like the Baby K’tan, but it’s more supportive and I can wear it for longer.
Ergobaby carriers are great because of how well they are made and the variety of products they offer. They even have carriers that go into toddlerhood, which is great for long outings when you know your child can’t walk forever without whining!
Also, free shipping in the United States. Need I say more?!? Take the quiz to see what carrier is best for you here!
Baby K’tan
I use my K’tan for wear around the house! It’s not as supportive as some other carriers, but it’s very light and breathable. Also, you may notice I am not recommending ring slings/fabric baby wearing in this post…and that’s because damn it, I CAN’T FIGURE THEM OUT!!!!
The K’tan is fabric like the ring slings, but it’s SO easy to get on. In fact, I went and bought one after my oldest was born because I loved how comfy it was when I tried on my sister-in-laws.
After awhile, it does start to bother my shoulder, however. But it’s a lot less bulky than the Ergobaby or Lillebaby carriers.
Out of all of the carriers, I used the Baby K’tan the most. In fact, when my youngest was about a month old, I kept her in it the entire time at a family gathering! It was flu season and I didn’t want her being passed around like a hot potato, and I could easily breastfeed her while keeping her in the sling. Mind you, she was a BIG baby, so the fact I could wear her like this comfortably so long was amazing!
Many people commented how happy and content she was. I was like, “yeah! She’s getting nonstop snuggles and milk!”
I personally recommend trying (or even buying like I did…) each of them! They all have such different features if you are into baby wearing.
Baby wearing is one of the best to soothe a crying baby if your child requires a lot of touch and movement.
Ok moms and dads (or nannies, grandparents, caregivers….), there you have it! Give these a try and let me know what works.
If you have any other techniques you love, let me know in the comments below! You may just help another struggling parent, and we have to stick together!
I wish you many hours of peace and quiet.
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