So much has changed due to COVID-19, and unfortunately pregnancy is one of many things affected by the coronavirus. In this post, I will offer you some different ways you can adapt to COVID-19 by changing some pregnancy traditions.
Many families look forward to cherishing their pregnancy and making new and exciting memories. Things like maternity photo shoots, babymoons, gender reveal parties, and pregnancy classes have been cancelled for fear of contracting and spreading coronavirus.
While almost everyone can understand the reason behind the need to practice social distancing, it’s still a huge bummer to miss out on those big pregnancy moments.
As a labor nurse, I know that many parents are stressed and overwhelmed by the changes the pandemic has brought to their pregnancy and birth experience.
The tips throughout this post will help you navigate your pregnancy during these times of social distancing, quarantine, and COVID-19.
For more information on how COVID-19 may change your birth experience, click here.
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Avoid in-person birthing classes
Birth and breastfeeding classes are a great way to prepare for the arrival of your new baby. Unfortunately, many of these classes have been cancelled as a direct result of the pandemic.
Many hospitals and birthing centers have created resources online to help prepare you for the birth. While you may not get to ask all of the questions and learn everything you would have in a course, it can be a good way to get your feet wet.
Additionally, there are many different resources online to help you. On this site, I talk a ton about labor, delivery, and postpartum from my perspective as a mom and labor and delivery nurse.
Here are some posts that may help you get prepared:
–Rock Your Labor Like a Pro (learn the phases of labor, and how to make it through each one)
–How to Manage Labor Pain without Medications
-What to Expect Postpartum (learn what to expect the first few days in the hospital whether you delivery vaginally or through c-section)
-The Honest Truth: What Postpartum Life is Like (the blunt truth of my experiences postpartum)
-How Partners Can Help During Labor
Online Courses
There are also some excellent courses online. I recently discovered this course by Jada Glover, a Certified Lactation Counselor and founder of Lactation Mamas.
She was kind enough to show me a few of her courses, and they’re loaded with all of the information you would get in a breastfeeding class and more!
The best part is that you can go through the course as many times as you need. I love that, because when you’re back at home with the baby and working on breastfeeding, you can open the course and review everything as you need to!
She offers several different courses, ranging from $17 to $147 (though her most popular course, Breastfeeding With Ease: Discover the Secret to Breastfeeding with Confidence is marked down to $97 as I write this!)
Jada also offers private virtual support sessions. She’s definitely someone you want in your corner as you navigate breastfeeding!
Thanks to online classes, you can easily change this pregnancy tradition to adapt to COVID-19.
You may not be able to get maternity or newborn photos done
I know from friends of mine that this is a huge bummer. I never had maternity photos done, and a part of me regrets it! In fact, I avoided all photos during pregnancy because I was a huge whale, was super self conscious, and hated when people (especially strangers) commented on my size.
I did, however, get newborn photos. They are only little for a short period of time, and that first year is full of so many changes! This would be a big disappointment for me.
Good news is, you can take your own photos at home! If you want to invest in a better camera, I’ve heard this one is great for beginners. It’s easy to use, lightweight, and affordable (it costs less than you’d pay for maternity and newborn photos!)
Or, use a smartphone and download an editing app (I like Adobe Photoshop Lightroom).
I’m no photo expert, but I’ve scoured the internet to see what the experts recommend!
Here are some home photography tips:
- Try to take photos in natural light
- Keep backgrounds simple
- Go with a color scheme, versus choosing one color for everyone’s outfits
- Use a tripod and a timer (check out these iPhone tripods!)

Be prepared and stock up before birth
Amazon shipping takes longer these days, and it is hard to run to the store with a newborn.
My advice is to stock up on essentials before the baby is born!
Here are some ideas of things to stock up on:
- Shampoo/conditioner, soap, body wash
- Laundry detergent and other cleaning supplies
- Bottles and formula, or breastmilk storage bags
- Baby safe stain remover
- Food and easy to prep meals
One thing that many new families do is sign up for a meal service. This really takes the pressure off of having to prep and plan meals for your family after sleepless nights or a long day.
Sun Basket is a great meal delivery program because it is healthy, organic and clean ingredients, convenient, and can be adapted to fit your dietary needs. Their website has me drooling, with everything from seafood, to steaks, to vegetarian pasta bowls and stir fry.
Having a healthy dinner prepped and planned for you is a huge relief after a long day! Sun Basket is a leader in healthy meal delivery.
Additionally, you can keep your freezer stocked with the essentials, or prep some freezer-friendly meals beforehand.
Gender Reveal Parties
Gender reveal parties have become super popular in the past few years! It’s a fun way to announce whether your little one is going to be a boy or girl.
Facebook Live and Zoom are great ways to incorporate your loved ones without
Here are some gender reveal party ideas while still practicing social distancing:
- Drop cupcakes off filled with pink or blue filling. Have everyone bite in at the same time!
- Little surprise boxes that everyone opens at once via Zoom
- Open a box of pink of blue balloons
- Do a drive-by with colored balloons
- Do the reveal you were planning to have before the pandemic over Zoom or Facebook Live
You can still celebrate your baby and have a good time while adapting to the COVID-19 crisis.
I hope that there is some sort of resolution to the COVID-19 crisis by the time your little one arrives, but if not, don’t let it steal your joy! Your precious baby is worth celebrating and enjoying as much as ever before, and
What other things have you done to make your pregnancy special despite COVID-19? I’d love to know in the comments below!

Full of very useful information I will be sharing with people
Thank you, Catherine!