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It’s not uncommon to get a cold, cough, or respiratory virus during pregnancy. Especially if you happen to be pregnant during flu season. So what can you do about it without causing any pregnancy complications?
Cold medications are not studied on pregnant women, so using cough suppressants and oral decongestants can be a bit nerve wracking. Instead, researchers study the pregnancy outcomes of women that have taken these medications and see if they did any harm to the developing fetus .
Can you take cold medicine when pregnant?
There is a huge variety of cough and cold products available. It can be so hard to know what to take!
Good news is, most cold medications are pregnancy-safe, especially in the second or third trimester. There’s no need to suffer with sinus infections or an upper respiratory tract infection – just find the medication that fits your symptoms best with your doctor’s approval.

In general, over the counter medications are safe for pregnancy (source). Short-term use is typically OK, especially after the first trimester of pregnancy. But be careful with liquid cough medications – as they often contain alcohol. Medications like DayQuil and NyQuil may not be safe.
If you are experiencing cold symptoms, call your doctor and see what they recommend you do. As a general rule, you should always ask your provider before starting any medical treatments. Your specific symptoms may be better treated by prescription medications. In most cases, the cold medicines you have in the medicine cabinet are OK, but you should always call your doctor and ask first.

Before taking over the counter (OTC) medications, try some natural remedies. During the first trimester of pregnancy, it is safest to start with these natural cold symptom relievers and to switch to medication if your symptoms don’t improve and with doctor’s approval.
If your symptoms do not approve, you can use medication as well as use some of these natural cold relieving methods.
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Natural cold remedies
For a sore throat:
Sip on hot water with lemon or a cup of tea with honey. A salt water gargle can also be helpful for soothing a sore throat. Sucking on hard candy or a lozenge can also help a sore throat.

For a stuffy or runny nose:
Run a cool mist humidifier or step into a steamy shower to relieve nasal congestion.
Gently massaging the sinuses can also help with the drainage. You can also try irrigating your sinuses with saline nose drops or a neti pot. Drinking extra fluids can also help to thin mucus and make you less stuffy.

For a cough
A tablespoon of honey can be very helpful in reducing cough, especially a very dry cough! Add a few spoonfuls to your tea, too. Drinking extra fluids is also a good idea for a pregnant woman, but especially when you are coughing or having a lot of chest congestion.
Sucking on hard candy, cough drops, or lollipops may also help a cough.
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Common cold and cough medicine ingredients
Be sure to check the ingredients of the medications you are taking to make sure you are not exceeding the daily maximum dosage. Many combination cough and cold medications contain similar ingredients.

Dextromethorphan is a common cough suppressant found in over the counter drugs. You may notice many medications have “DM” next to them to indicate dextromethorphan has been added (think Robitussin DM and Mucinex DM). Though it is a category C drug, studies show use of dextromethorphan (DM) does not increase risk of major malformations or birth defects (source). It is often advertised as “for severe cough”. Be sure not to exceed the maximum dose, especially if you are taking a combination otc drug.
A common decongestant, pseudoephedrine is found in many cold medications. Some studies point to avoiding the use of pseudoephedrine in the first trimester, though many healthcare providers believe it to be safe. It works by constricting the blood vessels in the nose to help you breathe more easily.
Another decongestant found in many cold medications. Like pseudoephedrine, it may be safest to avoid during the first trimester. However, it has been commonly recommended for use during pregnancy for years.
Also known as Benadryl, diphenhydramine is a common antihistamine. Though it may make you drowsy, it has not shown to affect fetal development (source). Antihistamines are often prescribed to relieve nausea in pregnancy and to help allergy symptoms.

Can you take Robitussin DM when pregnant?
Robitussin DM is a cough and cold combination medicine with guaifenesin and dextromethorphan as main ingredients. Guaifenesin loosens mucus while dextromethorphan works to suppress cough. Both ingredients are safe to use during pregnancy.
Robitussin products have not shown an increased risk of major malformations in a fetus, but your doctor may recommend waiting until late pregnancy to take strong combination products such as this.
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Can I take Sudafed/Sudafed PE when pregnant?
Sudafed and Sudafed PE are generally safe OTC medications to take during pregnancy after the first trimester according to the Cleveland Clinic. Regular Sudafed’s main ingredient is pseudoephedrine, a decongestant. Sudafed PE is similar to the plain Sudafed but it contains phenylephrine.
Regular Sudafed has been a go-to for a sinus infection during pregnancy for a long time. This cold medicine works by constricting blood flow to the nasal passages. Common side effects include dry mouth, feeling like your heart is racing, and high blood pressure.
Be careful using this when breastfeeding – Sudafed is known to dry up breast milk supply.

Can I take Mucinex when pregnant?
The active ingredients in Mucinex, Mucinex D, and Mucinex DM are guaifenesin, dextromethorphan, and pseudoephedrine. Generally these medications are safe for pregnant patients after the first trimester.
Can I use Afrin nasal spray when pregnant?
Afrin nasal spray’s active ingredient is oxymetazoline. It has not been well studied, so experts recommend using nasal sprays like Afrin for short term use during pregnancy (source). A saline nasal spray is another great option.
Can I drink Emergen-c when pregnant?
Emergen-c is considered safe during pregnancy for short term use. It is also considered to be safe when breastfeeding and won’t drastically affect breast milk.
A systematic review done by the World Health Organization (WHO) showed that vitamin C supplementation did not increase risk of preterm birth, preeclampsia, stillbirth, neonatal or perinatal death, or intrauterine growth restriction. However, it is still not recommended for routine supplementation at this time. If you are taking prenatal vitamins, you are probably getting enough vitamin C to help your immune system.

Is Vicks safe during pregnancy?
Vicks VapoRub is safe during pregnancy. Vapor rubs can help with nasal congestion and the Vicks formula of menthol, camphor and eucalyptus oil is considered to be safe during pregnancy (source).
There are other different Vicks products that are also OK during pregnancy. Steam inhalation is a good idea with sinus congestion, and Vicks vaposteam in a steam vaporizer and a safe option for a stuffy nose. It uses steam to help clear the nasal passages better than the Vicks vapor rub alone.
The Vicks Vaposhower is another great option to make the shower steam more effective.
Can you use ibuprofen, like Advil or Motrin, when pregnant?
You may want to reach for the bottle of ibuprofen or Aleve to relieve your body aches, but you should steer clear of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs).The FDA does not recommend using any nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs during pregnancy.
According to the FDA statement released in October 2020, use of NSAIDs after 20-weeks causes an increased risk of malformations and damage to the kidneys of the fetus. This can result in low amniotic fluid. It’s best to avoid the use of ibuprofen, naproxen, diclofena, celecoxib, or other NSAIDs during pregnancy. This includes the brand name drugs like Motrin, Aleve, Advil and Celebrex.

Is Tylenol safe during pregnancy?
Tylenol used to be the go-to drug during pregnancy for fever, body aches and pains, or headaches. A NIH-funded study suggests that acetaminophen products, such as Tylenol, may increase the child’s risk of developing attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) or autism spectrum disorder. Other studies have found a potential link to acetaminophen use during pregnancy and asthma (source).
Here’s what we know: it’s all about risk versus benefit. For short term use, acetaminophen or Tylenol is generally safe. Maternal pain can cause changes to blood pressure and maternal fever also poses risk to the fetus. Discuss with your doctor whether using acetaminophen is safe in your stage of pregnancy. Stick to the recommended dose and Tylenol is OK for short-term use as a pain reliever or fever reducer during pregnancy.
To avoid over-using acetaminophen, try using prenatal massage or a warm soak in the tub for back pain. Here are other ways to relieve the discomforts of late pregnancy like back pain.
If you’re feeling unwell, try some of the more natural remedies or give your health care provider a call. They are there to help!