This emergency contact sheet can be printed and hung on your refrigerator for an easy go-to if there’s an emergency while you’re away! You can leave this emergency phone number and information sheet for your babysitter by printing out the template and filling it with your own information.
Does anyone else get really nervous to leave their kids in the care of someone else?
Sure, you’ve properly vetted your babysitter and trust them with your kids…but are they prepared if there’s an emergency?
I created a printable emergency contact form that you can print for free and fill with your own information! This is a great emergency phone number and information sheet to give to daycare as well.
With just one form, you can leave your babysitter with:
- Yours and your partner’s phone numbers
- Backup contact if you aren’t able to be reached
- Health info and stats for all of your kids (including height and weight, health problems, and allergies)
- Doctor, dentist and veterinarian information
- Your address and cross street if your sitter needs to call in an emergency

Why it’s so important to create an emergency information and phone numbers sheet
If you’ve ever been in an emergent situation, you know that sometimes it’s hard to focus and remember little details. Now imagine you’re babysitting someone else’s kid and an emergency happens! The information that your babysitter might know in a calm situation might become a little hazy during a stressful situation.
Actually, it’s a great idea to leave on your fridge for yourself too. We never know how we’ll respond in an emergency!
Accidents happen every day, so being prepared in the case of an emergency is just plain smart. All of the information your sitter might need will be in one convenient location.
Related: Free Printable Car Seat Emergency Information Template – Keep your kids safe in the car!
Emergency Contact List Template
Click the image below to download your free emergency info sheet.

You can relax a little deeper by having this emergency contact sheet for your babysitter, nanny, or other caregivers. There’s no need to panic in an emergency when all of the info you need is right here on this form!

Cool website!
My name’s Eric, and I just found your site – – while surfing the net. You showed up at the top of the search results, so I checked you out. Looks like what you’re doing is pretty cool.
Thank you, Eric! I hope you get good use out of this Emergency Contact Sheet. Have a wonderful day!
I completely agree!
Thank you, Marcene! The safety of our kids is so iportant.
Bookmarked it.
I’m glad you found it helpful 🙂