Ugh…the dreaded GI bug! And there’s few things in life more miserable than a child with vomiting, diarrhea, or a stomach ache. It’s hard to watch our little ones suffer, especially through stomach pain and tummy troubles.
Luckily, there are some foods for toddlers with an upset stomach that an help them recover and get back to their spunky, energetic selves.
This article is not intended to replace medical advice and you should seek medical attention if you are concerned for your child’s health. Always contact your health care provider with questions or concerns regarding your child’s health. Please read my full medical disclosure here. This post contains affiliate links. I may earn a small commission if a purchase is made using the links from this page.
Related: The Best Food For A Sick Toddler & What To Do If They Won’t Eat!

Best food for toddler with upset stomach
When your child has a stomach flu or an upset stomach, it’s best to stick to bland foods and plenty of fluids. Keeping your child hydrated is more important than keeping them fed.
You may have heard of a special diet that can help with an upset stomach called the BRAT diet. This has been the popular diet for stomach problems for a long time!
The BRAT diet foods are bananas, white rice, applesauce and plain, unbuttered toast. These foods are great for tummy bugs since they are easy to digest and bland.

Low Fiber Foods
If your child is having frequent bowel movements, stick to low-fiber foods. Fiber draws fluid into the digestive tract to help make stool softer. By avoiding fiber, you are allowing your toddler’s stool to firm up.
Things like white pasta, white bread and white rice are low fiber foods. If your child is ready to eat, you can return them to their usual diet – just avoid the high-fiber foods until they are no longer having loose stools.
Bland foods
Bland is best when your toddler is having abdominal pain, bouts of vomiting or diarrhea.
Saltine crackers, dry toast, dry pasta, and other simple carbohydrates may help. Encourage your child to sip on things like clear broth and electrolyte solutions until they are feeling better.
Related: 7 Sick Day Essentials For Your Entire Family
What to avoid when your toddler has an upset stomach
Some foods can may your toddler’s stomach feel worse.
Stay away from greasy foods, soft drinks, and spicy foods as these often irritate the digestive system. It may also be a good idea to stay away from dairy products until they are feeling better.
Fruit juices that are not diluted can also make stomach pains worse. If your child likes to drink juice, dilute it with water to make it easier on their tummy.
Your best bet is to stick with clear liquids and simple foods until they are back to feeling 100%.

Best foods for toddlers recovering from a stomach bug
Once your child’s symptoms resolve, you may be eager to get them back to a balanced diet. It may be a good idea to start slow to make sure your child’s diarrhea and vomiting don’t come back. Start with half of what they would normally eat to test their tummy.
It’s normal for your toddler to have a decreased appetite for a couple of days after a stomach bug. Some sick children are afraid to try solid foods after a stomach flu because they are afraid to vomit. Stick with simple foods that are easy to digest until they are back to feeling normal. A bland diet full of wholesome small meals will help them recover.
You can try clear soup, like chicken noodle soup or vegetable soup. This can be very hydrating and soothing. Stay away from thick soups, like tomato soup, until they are fully recovered.
Offer plenty of small meals through the day. Steamed vegetables, sweet potatoes, soups, toast, crackers, plain pasta, apples, bananas, and yogurt are some good nutritious foods for an upset stomach.
I always give my kids probiotics after a stomach bug. This will help their gut health return to normal. These Culturelle packets are my go-to. The kids don’t notice that I add them to their food and it helps their entire body get back to normal! It contains immune boosting properties to help keep them from getting sick again.
Common causes of diarrhea and vomiting in kids
Like adults, sometimes kids just get sick. It’s often caused by viral infections or eating something that irritated their digestive tract. If your older child complains of frequent stomach aches, it could be childhood anxiety. Talk with your pediatrician if you think that could be the case.
You should always call your child’s doctor if their stomach pains seem severe, if they seem dehydrated, or if the vomiting and diarrhea persists. Acute diarrhea
and mild diarrhea can happen from time to time, but if its happening on a regular basis you may need to seek medical care. There are some medical conditions that can cause severe diarrhea in kids.

Signs of dehydration in toddlers and kids:
- Few or no wet diapers
- Dark colored urine
- Extreme irritability
- Low energy,
- Faster breathing or heart rate
- Sunken eyes
- Dry or wrinkled skin
- Dry and cracked lips
These are all red flags for dehydration in kids. If you are concerned your little one is very dehydrated, it is time to call your child’s doctor.
Drinks for toddler with upset stomach
The most Important thing that helps a sick kid is to keep them hydrated! Try to push fluids in any way possible – most illness cause fluid to be released from the body (think diarrhea, vomiting, and sweating from a fever) and dehydration can take your kid from bad to worse quickly.
If your toddler has an upset stomach, offer sips of fluid frequently. If they are actively vomiting, offer small amounts every 15-30 minutes to keep them from becoming dehydrated.

What a toddler with an upset stomach should drink
- Electrolyte solutions. Electrolyte drinks are essential when your toddler has a stomach bug. We use Pedialyte in our house, though any electrolyte drink or sports drinks are great. I like that the Pedialyte comes in ready to use packets whenever illness strikes. The packets do not expire as quickly as the bottles.
- Fruit juice. You may wish to avoid citrus fruits if your child has a sore throat or upset stomach as citrus is very acidic. Some watered down juice might help settle their tummy.
- Ice pops. Popsicles are a good way to rehydrate your toddler, plus they feel like a treat. Pedialyte makes freeze pops that have electrolytes as well for extra rehydration.
- Coconut water. Like sports drinks, coconut water is loaded with electrolytes and vitamins.
- Ginger ale. Great for a stomach bug, ginger ale that is made with real ginger can help settle a tummy. If your child does not like the carbonation, stir the bubbles out with a spoon.
- Broth. Sipping on some broth can be soothing to an upset stomach and will help with hydration.
- Plain water. Back to the basics, sometimes plain water is all your child’s stomach can handle.
The most important thing is that your child is getting plenty of fluids. If that means extra sugary drinks for a few days, that’s OK. You can get back to your normal routine and regular diet once your child is feeling better.
If you are breastfeeding, you may notice your toddler wants to nurse more than usual. This is totally healthy and normal. Breast milk has properties that help them fight infection as well as to relieve pain (source).
Related: What to Think About When Choosing a Pediatrician
What to give a toddler with a fever
If your child has a high temperature, your child’s pediatrician may advise you to give them a fever reducer, like acetaminophen (Tylenol).
With a high fever, hydration is the most important thing. Make sure your toddler is drinking frequently. Cold drinks, popsicles, broth, or whatever else your child drinks can help prevent dehydration from a fever.

Your child might not have much of an appetite with a fever. The biggest thing is that they get enough fluid and plenty of rest. They will get their appetite back when they are feeling better.
What to feed a sick child that won’t eat
Some kids just won’t eat when they’re sick! It can be very frustrating, but the most important thing is that they stay hydrated. You can worry about meeting your child’s nutritional needs when their tummy troubles improve.
Try offering small meals frequently. Giving foods with a high water content is an easy way to meet both nutritional and hydration goals. Things like chicken soup, popsicles, and smoothies made with fresh fruit can be some of the best foods for sick toddlers.
I hope your little one is feeling better soon! Hopefully giving them some of these toddler foods for stomach aches will get them feeling like themselves in no time.