These tips from a dentist can help your child overcome their fear of the dentist! If your child is afraid of someone touching their mouth, or is just simply afraid of the dentist’s office, these tips and tricks may help them overcome their dental anxiety.
Here’s an alarming statistic: almost 20% of school-age children are scared of visiting their dentists. For many kids, a visit to the dentist can be a nerve-wracking and stressful experience. Unfortunately, left unresolved, your child’s dental anxiety can have a short- and long-term impact on their oral health.
How to Help Your Kids Overcome Their Dental Anxiety
Children with dental anxiety might not receive even basic dental care if their fear of the dentist gets the best of them each time. In the long run, kids can set themselves up for a lifetime of serious oral issues if they never get past their irrational fears. If your child has dental anxiety, below are some ways you can help ease their fears.

Take them to a pedodontist
More popularly known as pediatric dentists, pedodontists specialize in dental health for children. These dentists have attended regular dental school. They also have at least two years of additional training where they learn how to properly manage and treat children’s developing teeth, their growth, their behavior, etc. Choosing your child’s dentist is as important as choosing their pediatrician.
While licensed dentists are actually fully capable of treating children, pediatric dentists specialize in children, so they are experts at putting them at ease and ensuring they are comfortable the whole time.
Start dental visits at a young age
The earlier you take your kids to the dentist, the better it is for them. Ideally, their first dental visit should start at age one or as soon as the first tooth is visible. Dental visits should be a routine part of their healthcare routine, similar to visiting their pediatrician for their regular checkups.
Keep things simple
When visiting the dentist (especially for the first time), it would be best not to divulge too many details about the visit. Providing more information might only raise more questions and add unnecessary anxiety. When discussing an upcoming visit, ensure that you keep a positive attitude.
It is also crucial that you don’t give your child any false hope. In line with this, avoid telling them everything will be fine. This is especially true if they would undergo any form of dental treatment. Otherwise, the child can end up losing trust in both you and the dentist.

Avoid taking them to your dental appointment
While taking your children to your dental appointment can seem like a smart idea, experts believe this is a mistake. Why? You might feel anxious about the visit yourself, and your kids might sense your fears.
Taking your kids to a sterile adult office might also give them the wrong impression. Most pediatric dentists have kid-friendly offices. Some have child-friendly pictures, video games, or TV shows and movies that kids love.
Be prepared to manage their fussing
It is normal for children to whine, wiggle, fuss, cry, and throw tantrums. Make everything stress- and drama-free by staying calm and keeping in mind that pediatric dentists and their staff are used to working with kids and managing their tantrums.
Allow dental care professionals to guide you. They know exactly what to do so you can provide your kids the comfort they need.
Avoid bribing your kids
While it’s a tactic most parents resort to, many experts are against bribing your kids or giving them sugary treats to get them to behave at the dental office. Doing so will do nothing but increase their apprehensions.
Besides, promising a sugary treat is also counterproductive to your goal of ensuring they develop healthy oral habits as they grow. Rather than giving them sweet treats, praise your children for the bravery and good behavior.
Highlight the importance of good oral hygiene
Talk to your kids about the importance of routine dental visits. Explain to them clearly that dentists can help ensure cavities are kept at bay, and they will enjoy excellent oral health for many years to come.

Teach them relaxation techniques
Relaxation techniques can be very beneficial for children suffering from anxiety as they will not only help them relax; it can also dramatically reduce their dental phobia. Even simple deep breathing exercises like slow and deep exhalation can already make a world of difference.
Muscle relaxation techniques can also help their body relax so they won’t feel tense during their visit.
Ensure you use the right words
When explaining what happens during their appointment, avoid using words that can frighten them. Words like “scary,” “pain,” and “hurt” may cause them to feel scared and intimidated.
At all times, use only neutral language that can help make kids feel at ease and help them feel comfortable and secure instead of feeling frightened and anxious.
Aside from taking the tips mentioned above to heart, it is also essential that you don’t rush your kids into anything. Focus first on ensuring they are comfortable during their visits, and they are getting the right dental care they need to achieve a healthy and happy smile.
About the Author

Dr. Megan Peterson Boyle is the lead cosmetic dentist with Dental Studio 101 in Scottsdale, Arizona. She is focused on providing anxiety-free cosmetic dentistry services including invisalign, dental implants, dental crowns and cosmetic fillings. She enjoys spending time outdoors with her friends and family. You can follow Megan on Facebook and Twitter.
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