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Postpartum girdles can improve comfort and healing throughout the immediate postnatal period. But when is it too late to wear one?
Belly wrapping is done in many cultures to improve comfort and healing after having a baby. People that have had both cesarean sections and a vaginal birth may find comfort in wearing one. Some even wear them after abdominal surgery.
When is it too late to wear a postpartum belly wrap?
It’s never “too late” to wear a postpartum girdle – very little harm can come from wearing one. The benefits may become less over time, but if you feel that the postpartum belt is improving your comfort, then go ahead and wear one.
For best results, your healthcare provider may recommend that you wear an abdominal binder in the days following birth for a few weeks postpartum. If you are regularly wearing a binder in the first few weeks after delivery, you may find you don’t want or need it after about 6-8 weeks postpartum. By that point, your pelvic floor and core muscles may be feeling stronger.
Don’t worry if you feel like you still want to wear the binder – you can wear it for a few months postpartum. New moms that are suffering from diastasis recti, or separation of your abdominal muscles, low back pain, or pelvic floor dysfunction, may like the additional support for a longer period of time.
You should not wear a girdle or belt when sleeping or resting. They are designed to compress your abdomen and offer support to your belly, back, and pelvis when moving around. It’s better for your blood circulation to remove the belly wrap when you are resting and put it back on when you are going about your daily activities.

It’s important to note that using a postpartum band will not help you with weight loss. The goal is to help the recovery process by shifting things back to normal position. It may relieve back pain, offer core support, and tighten loose skin.
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Who should wear a postpartum girdle?
Anyone can wear a postpartum girdle. Your provider may recommend that you wear one after a cesarean delivery to promote healing. After a vaginal delivery, you may find comfort in wearing a recovery belt as you begin moving around. It provides light compression to the uterus and can promote healing of your abdominal muscles after delivery.
In other words, it helps shift things back where they need to go.
New moms that have had a c-section birth, natural birth or an assisted delivery can benefit from a belly binders. Moms that have lower back pain, diastasis recti, or that want extra abdominal support will benefit from a belly binder.

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When should you start wearing postpartum girdle?
You can start wearing one immediately after birth, or at least within the first few days postpartum. You can continue wearing it as long as you’d like. Most moms prefer to wear them for a few weeks after birth.
Eventually, you may find postpartum shapewear to be more comfortable. It can take up to 12 months after breastfeeding for the hormone relaxin to get back to normal after birth. Relaxin is the hormone during pregnancy that helps relax your joints and ligaments to make room for your growing baby. That means it can take that long to feel like your body is back to normal.

You’ll get the best benefit from wearing a postpartum belly wrap in the immediate postpartum period. It’s a good idea to wear it during day to day activities for a few weeks after birth, especially after a c-section delivery, as your muscles heal and your uterus shrinks.
I found that wearing a compression garment helped my healing process with my second and third child. Both were vaginal births, but I loved that belly binding helped me feel like my postpartum body was strong. It provided extra support so I didn’t feel like my uterus was going to fall out of my belly button!
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Are postpartum belly bands the same thing as waist trainers?
No, they are totally different!
Waist trainers are meant to squish and compress your waist to change your body shape. This is not a good thing after you have had a baby! It can affect your internal organs and your circulation.
Postpartum belly binders offer gentle compression to your abdominal region. It evenly distributes the pressure to help new mothers feel supported after birth. It is not intended to change the shape of your body, but rather help your body heal naturally.
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Best postpartum belly wraps
I am a big fan of the original Belly Bandit postpartum girdle. I felt that it gave excellent support and it was easy to get on and off after my natural delivery. In my opinion, it is the best postpartum wrap and it is definitely a leader in the industry.
My only complaint about the Belly Bandit was that the material is not very soft. I think it’s a pretty universal complaint with postpartum girdles – they tend to chafe after awhile. I resolved this issue by wearing a semi-thick but soft camisole underneath.
I felt that it was comfortable in covering my abdominal area and was discreet to wear under loose clothing. It extends from my hip bones all the way up to about two fingers below my sternum. For reference, I am 5′ 7″. If you are a more petite person, you may have to pull it down lower so that it is not interfering with breastfeeding.
The original belly wrap is one panel that you can adjust as needed. The new Belly Bandit Luxe belly wrap has two panels that you can adjust to your preference. This is a really great feature as it can be adjusted as your body heals. I would have purchased this one had it been available when I was having my babies.
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Have you tried a postpartum belly wrap or girdle? Which was your favorite?