Welcome to my little corner of the internet! Thank you for visiting.
My name is Lindsey! I am a wife, mama to two sweet baby girls and a black lab (s/o to my first baby, Lucia!) and a labor and delivery nurse. I started this blog as a way to share my family’s favorite recipes, parenting tips, tricks and advice (and struggles…I’ll keep it real to you, my fellow mommies), and everything I know about labor, childbirth, pregnancy, and breastfeeding.

I spend most of my days in sweatpants with a mug of cold coffee in hand. Walk into my house and you’ll see the walls covered in my toddler’s artwork, the floor covered in toys, and both kids dancing to Taylor Swift. I love this crazy mom life so much!
When I’m not home with my babies, I’m doing my dream job helping other amazing, strong women deliver their tiny miracles (so that they, too, can experience a tiny person bossing them around..)

If you are interested in working together, check out this link. I’m always open to new sponsorships, collaborations, guest postings, product reviews, and (almost) anything else.

This blog has been a fantastic creative outlet for me, and I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!
Let’s stay in touch! Join my email list below, or follow me on Facebook, Pinterest, or Instagram.