Morning sickness is extremely common in the first trimester of pregnancy. These simple morning sickness remedies, tips and tricks might give you some much needed relief!
The first trimester of pregnancy is famous for morning sickness!
Typically, morning sickness comes on hard and fast. One day you feel fine, and the next you feel terrible!
For most women, the morning sickness is gone as fast as it arrived once you hit the second trimester.
Morning sickness may not be the best name for the nausea, vomiting, and general uneasiness you may experience in the first trimester. Morning sickness can happen at any point of the day.
For more morning sickness information, check out this post.
Common morning sickness symptoms
- Nausea, with or without vomiting
- Feeling lightheaded or dizzy
- Sensitivity to smells
- Food aversions or cravings
- Nausea that may come in waves

Morning sickness may occur during the whole pregnancy, though it is most common from weeks 6-12 of pregnancy.
Luckily, there are many things you can try to help your morning sickness! Here are some of my best tips.
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Morning Sickness Tips, Tricks and Remedies
Eat small, frequent meals
Large meals may cause more stomach upset! Eating small amounts throughout the day with plenty of water may help keep the nausea at bay.
Have something to eat before getting out of bed
Eating a few saltines, a granola bar, or graham crackers before you get out of bed may make the morning easier.
I always kept graham crackers in my nightstand. Set the alarm a few minutes early, and grab a cracker or two before your feet hit the floor.
Ginger is known to settle queasy stomachs!
Try drinking ginger ale, ginger tea, or sucking on ginger lozenges.
Some women report that peppermint tea helps settle their stomach.
If you’re experiencing a lot of heartburn or indigestion, drinking a cup or two of this tea daily may help!
Peppermint candy or peppermint gum can also help. Sometimes just getting that icky, sick taste out of your mouth is helpful!

Sea bands
Sea bands may also be useful. These acupressure bracelets work by putting pressure on a point in your wrist known to alleviate nausea.
Sour candy
Sour candies can help alleviate nausea as well! I read once that the the sour taste cancels out the nausea center in the brain, though to be honest, I can’t find any good research to support that.
Either way, many women report than sour candies help!
Try sucking on Preggie Pops! They’re sour lozenges that also have vitamin B6, which may help nausea. These helped me tremendously in my second pregnancy.
Take your prenatal vitamins at night
Many people notice that their nausea is worse after taking their prenatal vitamins.
If that’s the case for you, try taking your prenatal vitamins at night, or try a different brand.
Vitamin B6 and Unisom
Ask your doctor about starting this regimen for morning sickness. A combination of B6 and Unisom has been known to help.
Vitamin B6 is taken 3 times a day, while the Unisom can be taken twice daily. I have many friends who say this combination helps!
Use caution with Unisom, though! It can make you very drowsy.
Ask your doctor for medication
There are a few different anti-nausea drugs that can help with morning sickness.
These should be taken only when the morning sickness is making you dehydrated or causing a lot of vomiting. In some cases, the nausea and vomiting is so severe it affects yours and baby’s health.
Stay hydrated
Carry a large water bottle with you and sip throughout the day.
Sipping on a sports drink, like Gatorade or Powerade, throughout the day may help you stay hydrated and give you a little sugar to feel energized.
Eat what you can, when you can
If all you can stomach is a few bites of toast, that’s better than nothing! You can focus on your nutrition when your sickness is better.
Avoid spicy food and acidic foods
If spice and heat are your favorite things, it may be in your best interest to set them aside for a little while.
Spicy and acidic foods can make nausea and vomiting worse during the first trimester.
Get lots of rest
Frequent breaks and rests can help you shake that weak feeling that often comes with morning sickness.
This may seem impossible if you have other kids to care for, but try setting yourself up for little rests during the day.
If you’re struggling with morning sickness, hang in there! It will hopefully all get better by the time you’ve hit the second trimester.
What other morning sickness remedies have you found that help?