This is one of the biggest questions people ask when they come to have their baby: do you really poop during labor and birth?!
The short answer is that you might, and many people do. But it’s not something that happens every time.
As a labor and delivery nurse, I can tell you, it’s really no big deal if you poop during birth.
But I know it’s a source of anxiety for many moms, so I decided to write up this post with the most common FAQ’s about pooping during labor!

Is it normal to poop during labor?
It is 100% NORMAL!
I have a coworker who says, “it’s like rolling a bowling ball over a tube of toothpaste.” Basically, if there’s stool in your colon, the baby’s head is going to push it out. And if you’ve eaten within the last day, it’s likely there will be stool in your colon!
What percentage of people poop during labor?
I can’t find any real data about how many moms poop during labor, but if I had to guess I’d estimate that about 50% of moms poop during labor.
Many moms poop during pushing and have no idea that they are even pooping. The provider or nurse will just cover it up or get rid of it.
It’s usually a pretty small amount. Very rarely is there a ton of stool that needs disposing of.
Is it true that contraction pains feel like poop cramps?
Early labor contractions often do feel like intestinal cramps!
In fact, many moms experience loose stools before labor starts. Though it’s not a sure sign that labor is coming, it is common to be using the toilet frequently before labor starts.
What do I do if I poop during labor?
Trust me when I say, no one cares.
Actually, I find it reassuring when a mom poops during labor! It means she’s using the right muscles to get the baby out.
Your doctor or midwife, nurse, partner, and whoever else is in the room is way more focused on everything else happening to be worried about your bowel movements.
Whoever is at the foot of the bed is going to discreetly cover it or wipe you. You won’t just be lying in a pile of your own poop!
And with the amniotic fluid, blood, vernix, and other fluids coming out during birth, there’s a lot going on down there. Poop may even go unnoticed!
Before the baby is born, your provider will place a big drape underneath your bottom to make cleanup easier.
So if there’s poop, it will just get swept away with the other birth products and tossed in the trash.
Won’t it smell?!
It might! And that’s OK. If your provider cleans it quickly, you probably won’t notice.

Am I more likely to poop if I get an epidural?
Nope. If the poop is there, it’s coming out one way or another, sister.
If you have an epidural, the pressure you’ll feel when pushing the baby out will feel like you’re pooping regardless of if you are or not.
I always tell moms to, “push like you’re pooping!” That’s the best way to push!
To bust more myths about epidurals, click here.
How to not poop during labor
It used to be common practice to use enemas when labor was beginning to clear out the colon.
If you are really terrified of pooping during labor, you can ask your doctor if this would be OK for you.
Otherwise, you could try to avoid eating a large meal before delivery. However, you also need to eat, so it may just be unavoidable.
How do I overcome my fear of pooping during labor?
Girl, push that to the BACK of your mind!
There are so many other things to think about. And if you are worried about pooping, you’re not going to be a good pusher!
When you push, you should push like you’re having the biggest bowel movement of your life.
So if you’re afraid of pooping, you may not push properly. Just get over that fear, and get that baby out!
Trust me, there is a lot going on when the baby is coming out and poop is no one’s concern.
Is there anything else I should know about labor, delivery, or afterwards?
Yes, mama!
I’m sure there’s a TON you don’t know or haven’t even thought of yet.
Did you know that your hair can fall out postpartum?!
What about the step by step of your postpartum stay in the hospital?
And don’t even get me started on everything there is to learn about breastfeeding!
I got you, girl! There’s plenty of reading material on this site (and across the web) to help you out.
And of course, always always always ask your doctor or midwife if you have questions! That’s what they’re there for!
So there you have it! The most common questions I hear people asking about pooping during labor and childbirth.
Did I miss any? What other questions about labor or birth do you have? Let me know in the comments below!