These quick and easy self care ideas for moms all take just 15 minutes! Refresh and recharge with any of these self care tips for moms.
I think every mom can agree that while having your children is the best thing to happen to you, there was also a piece of you that got a little lost in the transition to motherhood.
It’s a bit embarrassing to admit, right? But almost every mom will tell you they miss certain aspects of life before kids. And for many, the biggest thing they miss is having the time to take care of themselves.
Having your body and mind change so quickly is one of the things only a mom can understand. We watch wrinkles form, stretch marks appear, and weight around our middle pack on as we welcome our little ones into the world! It’s a beautiful and natural thing, but it also can feel a bit isolating sometimes.
Taking time for self care is one of the best things you can do as a mom
Moms, it’s time to do a little self-love and self-care. Do it for you, do it for your partner, and do it for your kids!
Taking time for yourself is not selfish. It’s selfless.
Taking time to refresh and recharge is good for you and your family! It’s extremely important to practice self care as a mom. These self care ideas for the busy mom are perfect because it only takes 15 minutes or less to get a little self love boost.
Whether you’re a stay at home mom or a working mom, we’re all busy! These ways to practice self care for moms are great for every mom everywhere!
Go ahead, put the baby down for a nap and put a movie on for your older kids. It’s time to take just 15 minutes to refresh and recharge!

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Self care ideas for moms
Do a face mask
Sit down, zen out, and put on a face mask!
Get one that you can just pop out of the package and place on, or one that comes in a multi-use bottle for a more cost effective way to pamper. Sit down, put your feet up, and close your eyes! Sneak in a 15 minute nap while the mask leaves your face hydrated and refreshed.
Squeeze in a quick workout
This is my favorite way to boost my mood midday. A quick work out releases endorphins, improves energy, and makes you feel better overall.
I am addicted to my Peloton, and I love using the Peloton app for a quick workout! Whether it be a barre class, yoga, pilates, or a cardio class, in just 15 minutes you can turn your whole day around and take care of you.
If the Peloton is a bit out of your price range, try using a different exercise bike. You can still do the Peloton workouts with the app on a more affordable piece of equipment (this one is less than $350 as I write this, with 4.5 star reviews!)
If that’s not your style, try one of Kallie’s workouts on her blog, One Fit Mamma. Her site has a variety of workouts for whatever you’re looking for!
Take just 15 minutes to refocus during your day, and try a quick meditation. You can find guided meditations on YouTube or on apps (I like the free iPhone app called Calm).
Meditating is a great way for moms to practice self care. It will help you reduce anxiety and decrease stress levels. Practicing self care as a mom is extremely important, and meditation can help give us that tranquil feeling we may have lost since having kids!
Get a back massage
Ok, ok…it’s not as good as the “real” deal. But when I’m feeling tense or stressed, I love to sit with this back massager on! It has heat for those extra sore spots, and you can decide how much pressure to apply.
I love it so much, I’ve bought this massager for friends and family, too.
Go for a walk
Taking a quick walk around the block is a great self care idea for moms. Fresh air and sunshine are always a great way to boost your mood, and a little bit of exercise will help get the blood flowing and leave you feeling refreshed.

Write in a journal
Sometimes just doing a quick brain dump can clear your headspace. Write down every silly thought your brain comes up with and just get it all on paper. Organize your thoughts and feelings in your journal and feel instantly lighter.
You can use a journal with prompts to guide your writing like this one, or just get out a pen and paper. There is no right or wrong way to journal! Self-care for moms can be this simple.
Make a fresh cup of coffee or tea (and then sit down to drink it!)
There’s something about a warm drink that is so soothing. Brew yourself a cuppa something warm and relax and unwind.
Truly sit and sip your drink. Enjoying a hot drink uninterrupted is highly underrated.
Call up an old friend
Has someone been on your mind lately? Give them a ring!
Reconnecting with a friend, old or new, is a great self care idea. Moms have social needs, too, and it’s important to keep friendships alive.
Color or doodle
Whether you whip out one of your kids’ coloring books, an adult one, or just doodle on paper, coloring is very therapeutic. Being creative and tapping into your artistic side is exciting and fun!
Paint your nails
Moms deserve a little pampering, too! Get out your manicure kit and give your nails a little spruce-up.
Try a new nail polish color, or maybe even an at-home gel manicure! And if you’re pressed for time, try a quick drying topcoat.
Flip through a magazine
Before you had kids, was there a particular magazine or book that you loved to mindlessly flip through? Travel back in time and grab your favorite magazine and zone out for a little.
Heck, do the crossword while you’re at it! Take a little time to indulge in something you wouldn’t otherwise have time for.
Stretch or do some yoga
Yoga is one of my favorite self care activities as a mom. It calms me down, relieves stress, and is great exercise. Yoga forces you to focus on the movement and breath, so there isn’t room in my head for anything else. Plus, you can engage in this type of self care even if you’re pregnant.
YouTube has some great yoga videos! If you don’t want to have to listen to the ads, try a yoga tape instead.

Do your hair and makeup
If you’re like me, you probably aren’t getting dolled up every day! Most days you’ll find me in sweatpants with a bun of wet hair.
But every few days or so, I make it a priority to blow dry my hair and do my makeup. It seems silly, but I feel like I have way more energy. Doing my hair and makeup gives me a little confidence boost and makes me feel happier!
How do you practice self care? We are always so busy caring for everyone else, that we often forget to take care of ourselves.
Everyone has different needs when it comes to self care and self love, so do whatever feels right to you.