Choose the best vintage girl name loaded with personality and charm. These beautiful old-fashioned girl names are charming and sweet! With over 100 names on this list, you will fall in love with one of these elegant vintage girl names with meanings and origins.
Popular and trendy choices just aren’t everyone’s style. These old-fashioned girls’ names will help you choose the perfect name for your little one.
Beautiful old fashioned girl names are a huge source of baby name inspiration for many. Maybe you re looking down the family tree for girl’s names that feel classic and timeless, or maybe you just want to find a forgotten vintage name with a special meaning.
The perfect baby name is out there, and this list of timeless baby girl names will help you find it. I referenced the Social Security Administration baby name data to help find some old fashioned baby names to create this list.
I found vintage baby names from the late 1800s and beyond and researched the meaning and origins to help you find the best name for your little girl. Many hold historical significance or reference biblical times. Some are names of Saints or goddesses.
You’ll find some classic girl names (think Katherine and Charlotte) as well as some more forgotten vintage girl names (think Effie and Hilda). The right name will definitely find you!
Good luck finding the perfect baby name. There are some really cute and charming vintage girl names on this list!

100+ Charming and Elegant Vintage Girl Names
The name Abigail has biblical ties and has been popular for awhile! With adorable nicknames like Abbie, this Hebrew name means “bringer of joy.”
Adeline is one of the more popular names on this list. In 2020, this name was ranked in the top 100 baby names. This name means “noble” and is of French origins.
There are many different ways to spell Adeline, so you can make it a vintage name with a twist if you choose! Adelyn, Adalyn, Addilyn, and Adelina are common variants. This name is also often shortened to Addie/Addy.
This name is rare today, but was once very popular! The name Agnes is derived from the Greek word meaning “holy”. It was once popular, but has since become a forgotten vintage girl name. Agnes is a great choice if you sense your little one has an old soul.
Alice is of German origins and means “noble”. This cute name is perfect for your little girl.
Alma is a very uncommon vintage girl name. This name means “nourishing one” and is of Latin origins. I love this name as a twist on the classic name Emma.
The name Anna has stood the test of time! It’s a name that has been around for a very long time and has maintained its popularity. Anna has been in the top 150 baby names for over 100 years!
Anna is a Hebrew name that means “full of grace.”
Annie is a charming vintage girl name that can be used as a nickname (for a name like Anna, Anne, or Annalise) or all by itself. The name Annie is derived from the name Anna, and means “grace.”
The name Audrey is of English origins and means “noble strength”. This name was made popular by icon Audrey Hepburn, though it existed long before her rise to stardom.
Augusta is considered a very unique old-fashioned girl name. In 2020, this name ranked 971 out of 1000 baby names. Augusta means “magnificent” and is of Latin origins. This is one of the cutest vintage girl names you don’t hear anymore.

The name Birdie is an adorably cute vintage girl name! It has not been on the top 1000 baby names list since 1948. As you may have guessed, this name means “little bird” and is of English origins.
Blanche is another incredibly rare old-fashioned girl name that is elegant and bold! It means “white” and is of French and Latin origins.
Bobbie is of German origins and means “bright.” The unique name Bobbie hasn’t been popular for girls since the 1970s.
The name Caroline has stood the test of time. Caroline has been popular since the 1800s and was ranked 71 in 2020. Caroline is of French origins and means “strong.” Is there anything sweeter?
Unlike its sister-name Caroline, the name Carolyn has become less popular over the years! It ranked 953 in 2020, making it a very rare forgotten vintage girl name. Carolyn is considered to be the feminine form of Charles. It is of German origins meaning “free.”
The name Catherine is of Greek origin meaning “pure”. There are many different variations of the name Catherine, including Katherine, Cathryn and Kathryn.
The name Catherine is common among parents that like nicknames! Catherine can be shortened to Cathy, Cat, Kit, Kitty, Catie/Katie, or Kay.
Also spelled Cecilia, this lovely name is of Latin origins and means “blind”. The name Cecelia is pronounced “ses-eel-ee-ya” and is often shortened to Cece.
Celia is one of my favorite forgotten vintage girl names! In 2020, it ranked 784 in the top 1000 baby names. The name Celia means “heavenly” and is of Latin origins.
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Charlotte has become a popular baby name in the United States in recent years. In fact, it’s more popular now than it was in 1900! Charlotte has been in the top 10 baby girl names since 2014.
Charlotte is of French origins and means “free man”. The name Charlotte is often shortened to Charlie or Lottie.
Clara is an elegant vintage girl name that means “bright” and is of Latin origins.

The name Cleo means “glory” and is of Greek origin. Cleo is a very unique retro girl name that is often forgotten about!
The name Cora is growing in popularity again! It was ranked 55 in 1900 and 88 in 2020. This vintage girl name means “maiden” and has Greek origins.
This name is also of Greek origin and means “from Mounth Kynthos”. Cynthia is definitely a forgotten old-fashioned girl name that has ties to Greek mythology. It had a brief rise to fame in the early 1990s but has since ranked less than the top 500.
Daisy is a beautiful vintage flower name for girls! It’s of English origin meaning “day’s eye”.
Related: Dainty and Sweet Flower Names for Girls
This name would be number one on a list of Della is a very uncommon antique girl name. The name Della ranked 90 in 1900 and was 916 in 2020. Della means “noble” and is of German origins.
This Greek girl name means “gift from the ocean” and is a great choice if you love ocean and water themed baby names.
Dorothy is a very old-school baby girl name. It can be shortened to Dot or Dottie for a unique twist on a classic name! The name Dorothy means “God’s gift” and is of Greek origin.
Dot and Dottie have a southern twist that I absolutely adore. Dorothy is a vintage girl name you don’t hear anymore which is such a shame since it has such sweet nicknames!
When thinking of feminine, old fashioned names, the name Edith might come to mind! It comes from Old English origins and means “prosperous in war.” This name deserves more attention, especially because the nickname Edie is adorable.
The name Effie is a very rare vintage girl name. It has not been on the top 1000 baby names list since 1959!
Effie is a girl’s name of Greek origin and means “well spoken”. It is often used as a nickname for Euphemia. It has a similar timeless charm to Hattie, Nettie and Lottie.
Eleanor is more popular now than it was in the 1900s! In 2020 it was ranked 22 and in 1900 it was ranked 88.
Eleanor is Greek and means “bright one”. The name Eleanor is popular among parents that like the nicknames Ellie or Nora.
Eliza is of English origin meaning “My God is my oath”. This name is often used as a nickname for Elizabeth.

Elizabeth is of Hebrew origin meaning “My God is my oath”. This biblical baby name is extremely old fashioned, yet remains a popular name.
Elizabeth can be shortened many different ways. Popular nicknames of Elizbaeth include: Eliza, Liz, Lizzie, Ellie, Elsie, Libby, Beth, Betty and Liza.
Derived from Elizabeth, this name is of Hebrew origins and means “my God is my oath”. Elsie is a very charming vintage girl name that is rising in popularity.
Estelle is a very fancy old-fashioned girl name that is absolutely beautiful! This name is of French origin and means “star.”
This rare vintage girl name is of English origin and means “ruler of the estate”. The name Etta is often short for Henrietta or Loretta, though it can be used as a first name by itself.
I love this short girl name, and think it’s perfect for parents that want a vintage girl name you don’t hear anymore.
Eva is of Hebrew origins an means “life”. This beautiful vintage girl name can be pronounced “e-va” or “ay-va”. Though it used to be a forgotten vintage girl name, Eva is growing in popularity again.
Evelyn is another name that has been popular since 1900! It was ranked 9 in 2020. Evelyn is of English origins and means “desired child”. This name would be a perfect choice for parents that want an elegant vintage girl name.
Fern is a very rare forgotten girl name that hasn’t been popular since the early 1900s. The name Fern means “green plant” and has English origins. Fern is the perfect name for parents that love nature.
The name Flora means “flower” and is of Latin origins. In Roman mythology, Flora is the goddess of plants.
Florence is of Latin origin and means “flourishing”. This beautiful vintage girl name ranked 762 in 2020!
Frances is a vintage unisex name of English origins meaning “from France”. This is commonly used as a middle name for parents that love old fashioned girl names.
Geneva is a beautiful forgotten vintage girl name that hasn’t ranked in the top 1000 since 1997! The name Geneva means “from the juniper tree” and has French origins.
The exact origins of this name are unclear, but it is possibly of German origins meaning “tribe woman.” Genevieve is a beautiful vintage girl name that has a soft and feminine sound!
It is most commonly pronounced “jen-uh-veev” in the United States. The French pronunciation is “jen-vee-ev”.
The name Georgia is of English origins and means “farmer”.
This is was once one of the most popular girl names! A great choice for those that love vintage names, it means “spear of strength” and comes from German origins. Trudy is an adorable nickname for this classic girl name!
The name Grace is beautiful and classic. It makes a great first or middle name! It is of Latin origins and means “grace”. Though Grace is a common name, it is one of my favorite vintage baby girl names.
This rare retro girl name means “white ring” and is of Celtic origins. Gwendolyn is often shortened to Gwen for a cute nickname.

Hannah is a very old, biblical girl name of Hebrew origin meaning “grace”. It is one of the more common old-school girl names on this list.
Hattie is of German origins and means “estate ruler”. This charming vintage girl name is often used as a pet name for Harriet or Henrietta.
I think it’s so sad that Hattie became a forgotten girl name. It’s such a charming name that feels like a spruced up version of the common “Maddie” and “Addie”.
The name Hazel has English origins and means “the hazelnut tree”. Hazel ranked 31 in 2020 and is poplar among parents that want a unique boho girl name.

Henritta is of Old German origin meaning “home ruler”. The short form of Henrietta is typically Etta or Hattie for a unique twist on an old fashioned name.
Hilda is a German name meaning “battle”. This very rare vintage girl name hasn’t been popular since the early 1900s.
In my opinion, Isabel is one of the most beautiful antique girl names. Isabel is of Spanish origin meaning “pledged to God”.
The name Iva is of multiple origins and means “God is gracious”. This forgotten old-fashioned girl name hasn’t been on the top 1000 list since 1961!
The name Iva is pronounced “i-va” and is much less popular than similar names Ava or Eva. I can definitely see this cool and unique retro name making a strong comeback!
Related: Three Letter Girl Names
The name Jane is of English origins and means “God is gracious”. Jane is definitely an old name that does sound like one of the typical old lady names.
In my opinion, this is one of the cutest old-fashioned girl names. Josephine is the female version of Joseph and is of Hebrew origins meaning “God will grow”.
Josephine is often shortened to Jo, Joey, or Josie.
Julia is a very elegant vintage girl name. It is of Latin origins meaning “youthful”. You may not think of Julia as fitting in with the old-fashioned baby names because it’s popularity has been consistent for years.

The name June is of Latin origin and means “born in June”. This girl name is commonly used as a middle name, though it makes for a beautiful first name, too.
Whether short for Katherine or as a first name by itself, the name Kate is elegant and sweet. Kate is a timeless name of English origin and means “pure”. The name Kate is one of the more traditional names that is a great choice for parents that want a short girl name.
Meaning “laurel tree” or “bay tree”, this Greek girl name is charming and unique.
Also spelled Laila or Layla, this beautiful old fashioned name has been popular since the 1900s! Leila is of Arabic origin and means “dusk”.
Lena is a Greek name meaning “light”. The name Lena can be pronounced “lee-na” or “lay-na”. Lena is often used as a nickname for names like Angelina, Helena, or Magdalena. It’s a short vintage girl name that is feminine and sweet!
Meaning “lion”, this Latin girl name is definitely one of the more forgotten antique names. Leona ranked 85 in 1900, and 482 in 2020!
Lillian is a very popular girl name! Parents that choose the name Lillian often give their daughter the nickname Lily. This name is of Latin origin and means “lily”.

Loretta is an English name that means “bay laurel”. This dainty vintage name is totally rare, and ranked 948 in 2020! I can picture a beautiful baby girl with this name.
Lorraine is a very beautiful old-fashioned girl name that is also uncommon. It hasn’t seen the top 1000 list of baby names since the 1990s! Lorraine is of French origin and means “from (the province of) Lorraine”.
This old-fashioned southern girl name is a derivative of Charlotte. It has French origins and means “free man.” Lottie is often a nickname for Charlotte.
Loaded with vintage charm, the name Louisa is strong and beautiful. This name means “famous warrior” and comes from German origins. A common nickname for this name is Lou, which is adorable if you also love vintage boy names on little girls.
Lucille is of French origins and means “light”. The name Lucille is a timeless classic that sounds royal and elegant.
Like Lucille, the name Lucy is of French origins and means “light”. Lucy is often used as a nickname for Lucille or Lucinda, though it is popular as a first name, too.

The name Luella is an Old English name and means “famous warrior”. Luella is a very unique vintage girl name that has been lost in time!
I’m really hoping Luella gets used a bit more. It’s so sad that such a beautiful name is also a forgotten girl name! It would be so cute to call her LuLu or Ella as a nickname – I love cute nicknames for girls.
This very rare antique girl name has not been popular since the 1950s. Lula has German origins and means “famous warrior”.
Related: Short and Sweet Girl Names
Lydia has remained mildly popular through the years and ranked in the top 100 in 2020. This place name means “from Lydia” and is of Greek origins. I think Lydia is a beautiful and feminine classic baby girl name!
How charming is the name Mabel? This name is of Latin origins and means “lovable”.
Margaret means “pearl” and is of Greek origins. This popular old fashioned girl name has many nicknames, including Meg, Maggie, Peg, Peggy, Marge, and Margie.
Marguerite is a fun twist on the classic Margaret! This is a French name that means “pearl”. Like Margaret, you can shorten Marguerite to fit your taste.
Marilyn is an English name meaning “drop in the sea”.

Marjorie is related to the names Margaret and Marguerite, and also means “pearl”. The name Marjorie is a beautiful unique old-fashioned girl name that has not been a top 1000 baby name for a few years!
Martha is of Aramaic origins and means “lady of the house”. The name Martha is one of the old-timey names that has lost popularity over the years.
Mary is a very classic girl name that has been wildly popular since name records existed! It ranked in the top 10 baby names from 1900-1971, and held the number 1 spot for over 50 years!
Mary means “sea of bitterness” and is of Hebrew origins. It is a classic biblical girl name that has won parents’ hearts for years!
Matilda is of German origin meaning “battle mighty”.
Mattie is a cute old fashioned girl name that is often used as a nickname for Matilda. This name means “strength in battle” and is of German origin.
Maude is of German origins and means “powerful battle”. The name Maude was ranked 77 in 1900 but has not ranked in the top 1000 since 1950! That makes Maude one of the most rare old-fashioned girl names on the list.
Maxine is of Latin origins and means “greatest”. Maxine is an old fashioned baby name that is a good choice for parents that love the nickname Max.
The meaning and origin of Minnie is debated, likely since it is often used as a nickname for names like Minerva, Wilhemina, Miriam and Mary. The name Minnie has not been popular since the 1970s. Many parents fear the association with Minnie Mouse is too strong.

Miriam is of Hebrew origins and means “drop of the sea”.
Myrna is of Irish origins and means “beloved”.
The name Myrtle is of Latin origins and means “evergreen shrub”. Myrtle is a very cute and unique vintage girl name that has not been popular since the 1970s.
If you love old names, Naomi is a classic girl name that you will absolutely adore. This name means “sweet, pleasant” and comes from Hebrew origins. This name is still popular today.
Nettie is often used as a nickname for names that end in -nette, like Annette or Jeanette.
Nora is of Greek origins and means “honor”. The name Nora is often used as a nickname for the names Honora or Eleanora. It can also be spelled Norah.
The name Nora is an old-fashioned name that is making a comeback! In 2020, Nora ranked 30 on the list of most popular baby names.
Meaning “olive tree” and coming from Latin roots, this great name is gaining traction. Olive may sound trendy, but it is one of those old fashioned baby girl names that is quickly becoming popular again. In 1900, this name ranked 95, and in 2022 ranked 158. It didn’t make the top 1000 from 1950-2007, so that is definitely a quick climb! Short forms of this name include Ollie, Liv, and Livy.
As you may have guessed, the name Pearl means “pearl” and is of Latin origins. In 1900, Pearl ranked 24. It is slowly making a comeback, and in 2020 was ranked 773.
Pronounced “fee-bee”, this Greek girl name means “radiant, shining one.”
This old girl name is coming back in style – and for good reason! The name Priscilla means “ancient” and comes from Latin origins. It is a beautiful and timeless girl name with tons of personality.
Ramona is of Spanish origins and means “protector”.
This vintage name means “queen” and is of Latin origins. This is a great name for those that love royal names.
Rhoda is of Greek origins and means “rose”.
Rita is of Spanish origin and means “pearl”. The name Rita has not been popular since 2002, making it a very unique vintage name.
Though images of Rosie the Riveter may be flashing through your mind, this cute retro girl name is loaded with charm and personality. Rosie means “
This classic gemstone name means “red gemstone” and is of English origins.
Ruth is a biblical girl name of Hebrew origins that means “friend”.

This classic girl name is making a comeback! Sadie started as a nickname for Sarah, and is of Hebrew origins meaning “princess”.
Sophie is of Greek origins and means “wisdom”. These days it is less popular than its counterpart, Sophia, though that didn’t use to be the case!
The name Stella means “star” and is of Latin origins.
The name Sylvia means “forest” and is of Latin origins.
This old-fashioned girl name means “late summer” and is of Greek origins.
Theresa can also be spelled Teresa, and is often shortened to Tess, Tessa, Reese, Terry and Tressa. Theresa has not been on the list of top 1000 baby names since 2010, though the alternate spelling Teresa does hold a spot low on the list.
The name Tillie is a very unique southern vintage girl name that has not been popular since the 1940s! Tillie is truly a “forgotten” girl name that you don’t hear much anymore. It’s derived from the name Matilda. Tillie is of German origin and means “strong in battle”.
Velma means “determined protector” and is of German origin. This name also has not been popular in the last 50 years, making it a rare antique girl name!

Vera is of Russian origin and means “faith”. It can be pronounced “vair-uh” or “veer-uh”.
The name Vera is making a comeback! It fell off the top baby name list in 1983, and came back in 2009. It currently sits at spot 246 among names like Sydney, Diana and Ana.
Verna is truly an old-lady name that means “spring green”. It is of Latin origin and hasn’t been popular since the 1970s.
This beautiful classic girl name is strong and feminine. Victoria has maintained its popularity since the 1900s. Victoria has Latin roots and means “victory”. The name Victoria is often shortened to Vicky or Tori.
This classic girl name has made quite the comeback! It currently sits at 37 on the list of most popular girl names, though it hasn’t always been popular. Violet means “purple” and is of Latin origin.
The name Violet has been wildly popular among celebrities. Musicians Dave Grohl and Christina Milian, and actors Poppy Montgomery, Jennifer Garner and Ben Affleck, and John Krasinski and Emily Blunt all named their daughters Violet.
Vivian means “lively” and is of Latin origin. The name Vivian can also be spelled Vivien or Vivienne.
Vivian is a good name for your baby girl! It sounds royal and classic, perfect for your elegant baby girl.
This unique classic girl name has been lost in time. Wilhelmina is of German origins and means “protector”.
Wilhelmina is beautiful, bold, and rare. It can be shortened to Willie, Billie, or Minnie for an adorable twist on a classic name.
Which beautiful old fashioned girl names are you falling in love with? There’s something to be said for a vintage girl name, and these beautiful antique names will suit your little sweetheart like no other!