It’s the most germy time of the year….are you prepared for your kids to get sick?! Do you have all of these sick day essentials on hand before the illness strikes?!
I’m constantly being reminded that flu, RSV, and other viruses are circulating rapidly, and my kids are especially at risk because they’re so young. I feel like my kids are constantly sick or recovering from being sick from September thru April.
I am so thankful that when I was pregnant with my first, a friend bought me a whole “sick day” kit. It was an awesome baby shower gift, and when our first illness hit I was so glad to have everything I needed on hand. No need for any late night grocery trips to grab some much needed medicine.

*This post contains affiliate links. This means at no additional cost to you, I may receive a small compensation if a purchase is made using the links on this site. You can trust that I will always give an honest review and I am recommending products because I find them helpful. This helps keep These Hungry Kids up and running. Thank you for your support!
The items listed below are unbelievably helpful when your littles get sick. They make a great gift like my friend did for me, but they also are easy to grab at the store or on Amazon (holla to my fellow Prime mamas –> get a FREE 30 day trial with my link here!!)

8 Things That Will Help Your Sick Kid Feel Better
1. Cool Mist Humidifer
Humidifiers are perfect for when your little one has a respiratory infection. Since they can’t blow their nose and get the snot moving, a humidifier will help make it easier to breathe.
Now, there are TONS of humidifiers on the market, but I am specifically recommending this one for a few reasons:
- The mist goes up into the air better than other humidifiers I’ve tried. The floor isn’t soaking wet the next morning like the other humidifiers we’ve used
- It’s easy to clean and keep clean. You should sterilize with vinegar weekly and change the water daily per manufacturer’s instructions
- It’s super cute (we have the sheep!) and there’s a ton to choose from to match your nursery theme. It’s nice to be able to leave it in the room for easy use and not have to find any more closet space to store it
2. Snot Sucker
Now, I know that this may seem gross, but the Nose Frida is really an awesome product. It’s inexpensive, easy to clean, and does a REALLY nice job.
Does it seem gross? Yes. Is it actually gross? A little.
But there is no way for your child’s snot to enter your mouth if you do it correctly. It’s much less intimidating to your kid than other nasal aspirators, and it’s very effective.
Plus, it’s super easy to pull apart and clean. It’s an absolute must for sick days!
Related: The Best Food For A Sick Toddler & What To Do If They Won’t Eat!
3. Saline Nasal Spray
Saline spray helps loosen mucus and makes it easier to get out with the snot sucker.
I like the Boogie Mist brand, but I have also used this saline rinse from NeilMed for more severe congestion.
This is especially helpful when your infant has their first cold, because they have a harder time getting rid of the mucus. I use the saline and immediately follow it with the Nose Frida.
Note: this will be an unpleasant, but very helpful process.
4. Medication
Always check with your doctor before giving your child medication – especially if they are really little. This is not medical advice.
Most pediatricians will have a printout of recommended doses based off your child’s weight, or they can direct you to the resources to figure out which dose is best.
But it’s always a good idea to have the medicines on hand that you may need before your child gets sick. There are many to choose from, but these are my favorites:
- Infant’s acetaminophen (Tylenol)
- Infant’s ibuprofen (Motrin)
- Vick’s vapor rub (not for use in babies)
- Zarbee’s cough syrup
- If your child is under 2, they should use Zarbee’s Baby Syrup which has agave, not honey
- This is a homeopathic blend and does not contain any antitussives or medications. It is a blend of honey/agave, thyme, vitamins and elderberry

5. Thermometer
I recommend having a few different kinds of thermometers on hand. I have a temporal (forehead) one, an ear one, and a standard oral thermometer.
Keep in mind that rectal thermometers are the most accurate and best for babies, but we mostly use the temporal (forehead) or ear thermometers in our house.
We bought this thermometer a few weeks ago when our kids were sick and our other thermometer wasn’t working. I chose it because:
- It can get a temperature reading from the child’s forehead AND ear
- It isn’t bright and doesn’t beep loudly (which is super handy when you’re checking their temperature while they sleep)
- You don’t have to press it hard against their forehead or move it all over their head/face like many other thermometers (also great to check on a sleeping child)
- It’s inexpensive
- It gives a reading in literally 1 second
- So far, it’s been very accurate
We also have a cheap-o, standard, digital thermometer like this one to check under their armpit if I don’t think I’m getting an accurate reading. This isn’t my favorite way to check because for whatever reason, having something in your armpit is torturous to my kids.
I’ve also heard AMAZING things about this Braun thermometer from other moms, but I’ll be honest and tell you I haven’t tried it because it’s much more expensive than the other one ($62 vs. $20) and the reviews weren’t raving enough for me to give it a try.
Thermometers that read from the forehead get a bad name because they tend to be most inaccurate. If you’re interested in one that ONLY gets temperatures from the ear, I recommend this one. The reviews are great, and it works quickly which is a bonus for one that reads from the ear.

Related: Best Food For Toddler With Upset Stomach
6. Pedialyte
Pedialyte is great for when your kid has a fever and won’t drink or is vomiting. My kids love the taste and there are so many flavors to choose from.
I buy the powder packets because the juice container isn’t stable long once opened. They’re great to mix with water when you need them and last longer than the container of pre-mixed juice. The packets are also great if you have kids that prefer different flavors because they come with a few flavors in each box.
My daughter also loves the popsicles! She eats them in the summer, and I’ve poured them into her cup when we’re out of the packets.
Looking for a sick day activity? Try
71 Activities to Do at Home with Kids
Pom Pom Sensory Play
7. Boogie Wipes
When I first saw Boogie Wipes, I thought, “why in the world would I buy these instead of a tissue?” Then I tried them on my kids at my in-law’s house, and yeah, I get it now.
They are a wet wipe that is infused with Vitamin E, chamomile and aloe. They smell nice and don’t dry skin out as much.
We love the grape kind, and it’s the ONLY way I can get my kids to let me wipe their nose! They both stick their tongue out and try to lick them while I wipe their face (and I don’t blame them, they smell awesome).
The best part is that because it smells so good, they don’t mind me coming at their face with a wipe (and that they help protect their noses from turning red and raw from so much wiping). They aren’t screaming, and I get to wipe their face. It’s a win-win thanks to Boogie Wipes!

8. Comfort Items
Jammies all day is my kind of day anyways, but let your babe be comfortable!
Movies, snacks, fuzzy socks, warm blankets, and lots of snuggles will help your little one feel better in no time!
It can be so hard to have sick kids, so take time for yourself, too! Having your baby (or two, or three…) needing you constantly is exhausting! Self care is important, so take care of yourself!
Sick days are no fun, but hopefully having these items on hand when the cold or flu strikes will make it a little easier on you! I was so thankful that these items were gifted to me, and it’s a baby shower gift I often reciprocate!
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