These time saving mom hacks are pure genius. You’ll be kicking yourself for not doing them sooner!
Adjusting to life with a new baby is difficult. These parenting hacks for babies are pure gold.
Not only will these mom hacks save you time, they will also save your sanity a little, too.
I have never met a parent who didn’t want to make life easier. At some point, every parent will come up with little tricks to make things simple.
This list is some of the things I have learned along the way as a mom to three. Hopefully some of these mom hacks will help you, too!

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20+ Mom Hacks To Make Life Easier
1. Get diaper cream samples for your diaper bag
Did you know your pediatrician’s office likely has tons of samples they can give you if you ask?
Single-use packets that are perfect for a diaper bag since they take up very little space. Instead of carrying around a big tube of diaper paste that could squirt out all over your bag, ask your doctor’s office if they have samples to spare!
Next time your baby’s tush looks a little red when you’re on the go, you’ll be prepared.
2. Use pump wipes in between pumping sessions
These pump wipes are great to clean your parts between use. This mom hack is perfect for exclusively pumping parents!
Instead of wasting a few minutes at the sink cleaning and sterilizing your pump parts, try these wipes instead.
They also make traveling while pumping much easier and can make pumping at work a little less time consuming.

3. Put your pumping supplies in the refrigerator between use
This baby hack is perfect for working moms and exclusively pumping moms.
After you pump, stick your pump parts into a clean container and pop them in the refrigerator. Your pump parts can hang out in the fridge until you’re ready to use them again.
Then at the end of the day you can wash the pump parts and bottles all at once.
*Do not leave the pump parts in the fridge for more than 12-24 hours as this increases the risk of bacterial contamination.
4. Use the Haakaa to catch extra milk
The Haakaa is one of my favorite breastfeeding tools ever. No drop is wasted when you use the Haakaa!
When you breastfeed your infant, put the Haakaa on the other breast. When you have a letdown, the milk from the other breast is collected into the Hakaa instead of soaking your bra and shirt.
I have been able to collect 1-2 ounces per feed with the Hakaa when my supply was still regulating! I either save up the milk from a few feeds to make a larger bag of milk, or save smaller bags for when the baby starts with cereals and purees (see hack #10.)
5. Use a car seat cover to protect baby in the winter
Do you live somewhere with a cold, blustery winter like I do? This car seat cover has been a lifesaver for my babies!
You have to be careful when picking any car seat accessories, as you don’t want something the compromises the safety of the car seat.
This cover goes over the top of the car seat and does not interfere with the straps in any way. That is super important!
Your babies can stay toasty warm and happy with this car seat cover.
6. Place stubborn baby poop stains in the sun
This one sounds crazy, but hear me out…
All you need to remove baby poop stains is a little water, soap, and sunlight.

When your baby has a blowout, rinse the stain in water, add a little soap and put it in the sunlight. The UV rays will help to break down the stain and “bleach” it!
7. Keep an extra outfit in a plastic bag (and then throw old outfit in plastic bag)
You will be so glad you did this mom hack when you need it!

Keep an extra outfit in your diaper bag in a gallon plastic bag for when your baby has a blowout diaper or spits up all over their adorable outfit. Place the dirty outfit back into the plastic bag to keep everything separate and make for easy washing.
8. Keep a thermos of hot water to quickly warm a bottle
There’s nothing worse than being out and about with a fussy baby that hates a cold bottle.
Bring a small thermos of how water to quickly warm a bottle when you’re on the go. Your baby will thank you!
I like to bring a Yeti Rambler bottle of hot water. It can keep the water warm for hours.
9. Place new diaper under dirty diaper
This newborn hack is so simple once you get in the habit! When you’re changing a dirty diaper, place the clean diaper underneath them before you remove the dirty one.
This will be especially helpful when your baby starts wiggling and rolling with every diaper change!

By changing a diaper this way you are saving time and keeping things neat. This way nothing messy ends up on the floor and you can quickly get your babe into something more clean.
10. Make some smaller milk bags for when baby starts cereals
Remember all that milk you caught with your Haakaa? (See mom hack #4.)
Those smaller 1-2 ounce bags of milk are perfect for when your baby starts purees and cereals. Introducing something unfamiliar (like rice cereal) with something familiar (like breast milk) will help them accept the new tastes and textures.

Bonus tip: if your baby doesn’t take medicine well, try mixing in breast milk or formula.
11. Keep the essentials in your car
This car bin hack has been a staple of mine for years!
I always keep a bin in my car full of the essentials. By keeping this bin in my car, I don’t always have to travel with a diaper bag and I have extras should I run out of supplies.

In the car bin I keep:
- Diapers
- Wipes
- An extra pair of clothes or pajamas
- A first aid kit
- Bags for dirty diapers
- Sunscreen and/or a sun hat
- Snacks
Kids start puking when you’re driving in the car? No problem.
Surprise trip to the playground? You’re ready.
Stay a little to late at grandma’s house, and now your kids are tired and hungry? Throw them in pajamas and give them a snack. You are ready for anything!
12. Use doggy bags for dirty diapers
This is probably my most favorite mom hack.
At some point, you will find yourself out and about when your baby has a disgusting, gross poopy diaper.
Don’t panic – you’re prepared, remember? You have extra clothes (thanks, #7 and #11) and you can change the diaper with ease (and can apply diaper cream thanks to #1!)
But…now what? You have a diaper in your car and more errands to run. You don’t want it to sit and stink in your car, right?!
Throw the diaper into a doggy bag and you are good to go! It contains the stink, will help keep poop off of the inside of your car or diaper bag, and makes it easier to throw away.
They are insanely cheap, too. I keep a roll in my car and in my diaper bag.
13. Use Sposie pads for late night leaks
I can’t believe more people don’t know about Sposie pads!
Once your baby starts sleeping through the night, they may start leaking through their diapers. No one wants a baby waking up cold, wet, angry and in need of a bath!
Using an overnight diaper (these are my favorite) with an insert is a great way to prevent overnight leaks. Sposie pads add a little extra absorption to the diaper which can help prevent leaks (especially with stomach sleepers!)

14. Use a cup catcher when your toddler reaches the throwing phase
This handy tool for parents is perfect for when your baby goes through the stage of throwing things onto the ground.
Simply attach a cup or a toy to this cup catcher and the fun of watching you pick things off the ground will end!
This has also saved me from losing sippy cups when out and about with my kids. I simply attach it to the stroller tray and voila! Cups stay put.
Bonus: these ones also double as teethers!
15. Layer the changing pad
A patient of mine told me about this one when I was expecting my first. And boy, was I glad she did!
You’re going to have a time where your child blows out their diaper, and while you’re changing them, they continue to make a mess. It happens to everyone at least one time!

But you’re smart, and you have layered your changing pad with an extra pad and cover. You can just strip the top layer, throw their dirty clothes in it, and throw it into the wash!
16. Use baby pajamas with built in mittens
I hate baby mittens. In my opinion they are one of the most useless baby items!
They don’t stay on their hands well, and I am always worried they will pop off when the baby is looking for their thumb.
That’s why the baby pajamas with mittens built in are the best in my opinion! They easily fold over the baby’s hands with no risk of them coming off.
It’s also one less thing to be lost in the laundry. I love them!
This pair also has a two-way zipper which is equally awesome.
17. Use onesies with shoulder flaps
Some baby onesies have folded shoulders. These are great for getting a onesie off easily – especially if the baby has a blow out diaper!

You don’t have to lift a poopy onesie over their head. Instead, you can just slide it down over their body.
18. Put baby socks and mittens into a lingerie bag
I was complaining to a friend one day about how my washer and dryer always eat the baby socks.
She blew my mind when she said she always threw hers into a lingerie bag.
Such a simple mom hack that will save you so much frustration!
19. Keep a white noise machine on your car seat or stroller
My kids love white noise. It is one of my biggest tricks for getting my kids to sleep!
I keep a portable white noise machine on our car seat and stroller. This is especially helpful for my baby since we don’t always get home for nap time with her older sister’s activities.
I personally love this one. The batteries last for a very long time and I love that you can change the sounds. My kids can sleep anywhere because of the portable white noise machine!
20. Make freezer meals before baby is born for a quick, hot meal
Whenever I hit the nesting phase of the third trimester, I always make a ton of easy freezer meals.
Let me tell you, it has saved my butt on more than one occasion. And sometimes it’s just nice to have a hot, home cooked meal instead of a soggy, cold takeout dinner.

I have a whole list of freezer meal ideas here. Get cooking, mama!
21. Use velcro swaddles
I have a hard time understanding why anyone would use a regular swaddle. These velcro swaddles are the ultimate time-saving (and sanity-saving) mom hack!
Picture this: it’s 3am. You’re up for the fifth time of the night feeding, changing diapers, bouncing the baby around, and now they are finally settled and ready to go to sleep. But you can’t remember how to get the little corners of the blanket into the right spot.

Enter the velcro swaddle. You literally just put your baby in, zip it up, and fold the arms over. Easy, fast, and the baby will love it.
22. Create a little “nursing basket” wherever you most frequently breastfeed
Once you get home from the hospital with your baby, your world is forever changed! There are so many postpartum things that no one talks about, but luckily you are ready!
If you are breastfeeding, you’ll find your little “spots” that are just most comfy. Wherever that may be, create a little breastfeeding basket full of everything you need.

Ideas for your breastfeeding basket:
- Burp cloths
- Haakaa
- Snacks and water bottles
- Nipple cream
23. Make a pitcher of formula
I think this is totally genius!
Instead of warming up bottle after bottle of formula for your baby, try making it in a pitcher. Throughout the day, you can pour right from the pitcher into a bottle.
Try using a formula pitcher like this one that doesn’t allow for clumping or excess air.
24. Get a nursing cover that can also be used to cover shopping carts, high chairs, and more
These super stretchy nursing covers are not only great for when you are nursing in public, but it can also be used to cover shopping cart seats and high chairs.

My kids always loved to teeth on the gross shopping cart handles. This cover protects them from some of those nasty germs. It’s so nice to only have to carry one cover around – I never carry my other shopping cart cover anymore!
25. Cover the seats of your vehicle
Between drool, snot, snacks, and gross diapers, the seats on your car are destined for doom if you don’t protect them.
These seat covers will keep them looking as fresh as the day you got them. Bonus: it also has a pocket for road trip snacks!
26. Silicone bibs with pockets. Enough said.

It took me until child number 3 to learn why silicone bibs are amazing. Nothing leaks through to their clothes, they rinse off in the sink, and are just overall easier and sturdier than other bibs.
Plus, the handle little pocket collects the food that drops. It’s amazing!
27. Keep a portable potty in the car
Hearing “I have to go potty!” from a freshly potty trained toddler and evoke such fear and panic! You will be so glad you put a portable potty in the car when you are out and about somewhere without a toilet (or with a really gross one!)
Place a diaper or a doggy bag (subtle nod to hack #12) in the bottom of the potty for easy cleanup.
28. Fold the bottom of the onesie over baby’s hands during diaper changes
Have a baby that wants to “help” with diaper changes?
Simply place their hands on their belly and fold the front flap of their onesie over their hands when changing their diaper. Button over baby’s shoulder to keep their hands secure.
It’s sort of a swaddle to keep their hands out of the way while you change their diaper.

29. How to hold the car seat so it won’t hurt your back
My brother and sister-in-law showed me this awesome trick from their chiropractor!
There is a “right” and “wrong” way to pick up a car seat. Who would’ve thought?!

Not only does this trick save your back, it makes the car seat feel so much lighter and doesn’t pinch your arm.
The correct way to hold the car seat is to have the car seat facing backwards, loop your arm around the car seat, and hold onto the base of the handle.
30. Put emergency info on your car seat in case of an accident
This is one of the best things you can do to help keep your baby safe in an accident aside from proper car seat installation and buckling.
Put emergency contact information, allergies, pediatrician and other health concerns on your child’s seat. In case of an accident, emergency responders will know important information.
You can grab my free printable template here. It takes a few minutes and could make the world of a difference!
What other mom hacks have you found? Let me know in the comments below!