Car Bin Hack: What Every Mom Needs in Her Car

Keep a bin of essential items in your car to make mom life easier!

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This mom hack is going to save you so much time! When you stock your car with the essentials, you just need to pack the kids for an outing. This post contains affiliate links for your convenience. That means I may earn a small commission if a purchase is made using the links on this post. Don’t worry, I only recommend products I know and love!

Do you want to know what the most annoying thing about bringing my kids out and about is?

Aside from wrestling them into shoes, hats, coats, etc., it’s carrying the diaper bag.

A few months ago I developed this car bin “mom hack” that has saved me from such an annoyance on day-to-day outings. This is a cheap and easy alternative to carrying a diaper bag everywhere you go!

Love mom hacks? You’ll go crazy for this list of genius mom hacks.

It’s not a total replacement for the diaper bag

Don’t get me wrong, I *love* my diaper bag.

I actually bought this amazing backpack diaper bag (so many pockets….so affordable…) off of Amazon when my second was born, because the cute purse-style one wasn’t going to cut it with 2 kids under 18 months.

But let me tell you: this bin has been a lifesaver. I tell all of my mom friends about it, and I’m always prepared for anything now!

Kids want to go to the splash pad? Check. 

We’re out to lunch and they end up covered with something sticky? No problem-o. 

We spend too much time at the grandparents, and we know the kids are going to fall asleep on the car ride home? No fear, I’ve got jammies in the car!

Now, if we’re leaving the car for long periods of time, the diaper bag is definitely the way to go. But now I don’t have to carry it along for quick shopping trips, when I go to the gym, take the kids to the park or playground, or to visit friends. Everything I need is in the car, so I can easily run out and grab what I need if I need it. 

This crafty little bin has made my life WAY easier. And I don’t have to worry about lugging things around in a backpack whenever we go places!

What you need to make a car essentials bin

Plastic Bin

Just your typical storage bin will do!

I think I bought mine from Target, though you could buy them anywhere. You may even have one lying around! Something like this will work.

Mine measures 16 ¾ long and 12 inches wide, though it could be bigger or smaller depending on your needs. Mine fits on the floor of my car which is great because it’s easy to grab from. If you have a smaller vehicle, yours may have to go in the trunk depending on the size you use.


Momming 101: Don’t Go Anywhere Without Snacks. 

I usually keep something small and portable, like granola bars or little snack bags in the car. Then when we’re out and the kids are hungry and cranky, it keeps me from running through the drive-thru. I always have something healthy(-ish) to give them.

If you struggle with healthy snacks for your kiddos, check out this post of healthy snack ideas!

2-3 outfits for each kid

This is essential! Grab a few freezer bags and fold up 2-3 outfits for each kid. I usually do one outfit and one pair of pajamas.

I make a bag for each of my daughters and that way when the need arises, I’m not digging through to find the right stuff. 

I break into the clothes more often than I’d like to admit. Especially when we’re visiting family and friends and we end up staying later than we planned.

It’s so nice to throw the kids in a fresh diaper and pajamas for the car ride home. Then when they fall asleep in the car, they can go right to bed without having to wake them for new clothes or diapers.

Diapers, wipes, and extra undies

Of course, if you’re going to use this instead of carrying a diaper bag, you’ll need diapers, wipes, and extra undies.

I pack between 6-10 diapers, a full pack of wipes (I go through them like crazy!) and 2-3 pairs of underwear for my toddler. This is enough to last me a few weeks!

Bonus tip: 

If you have a toddler, keep a little potty in the car, too! Stick a disposable diaper in the bottom and let them do their business on the potty into the diaper. Not only does it save you from using a yucky porta-potty or public bathroom and prevent accidents, but it makes for easy cleanup, too! 

This one is less than $10, and it’s small, lightweight, and portable. 


Sunscreen is a little tricky because if your car is in extreme temperatures it can affect the quality and effect. Keep a small one and change it out often – you never know when the day will be sunnier than you expected!

It’s no secret how much I love the Earth Mama Organics products, but especially their mineral sunscreens. The tubes are a perfect size for this car bin mom hack!

Bandaids, antibiotic ointment, hand sanitizer

A little first aid kit is a great thing to carry! I’m not that fancy, so I keep a box of bandaids, hand sanitizer, and antibiotic ointment. It’s enough for my girls, but if you have rough-and-tumble kind of kids, a kit like this one may be better!

Diaper throwaway bags

I always travel with a few throwaway bags for stinky diapers! I hate to be that mom at the playground that throws a smelly diaper into a public garbage can in the hot sun!

Doggy bags like these, or even the plastic bags from the grocery store are a must.

car bin essentials mom hack

Summertime extras

I always keep an extra towel or two and a few bathing suits in my car during the summer.

These are essential where we live! There are a few splash pads attached to our favorite playgrounds, and on the hot summer days the kids love to play.

I keep a few towels, bathing suits and hats for the moments we decide to make a spontaneous visit to a pool or splash park. You can be the “fun mommy” and also be prepared.

I hope this “mom hack” saves you some trouble! If you hate lugging a diaper bag around as much as I do, you’ll love this. 

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