Working out is important for your mental and physical health, especially as a mom! Here are 5 ways exercising has made me a better parent and improved my overall life.
As a busy mom of three, I don’t have a ton of extra time in my day. But exercising has become a priority for me and something that I do every single day.
Self-care as a mom is so important. It looks different for everyone, but for me it comes with my daily workouts. Over the years I’ve tried many different gyms and exercise plans, and it’s very clear to me that exercising needs to be a part of my day to improve my overall well-being.
There are so many benefits to working out. But there are perks to exercising beyond the physiological benefits! Especially if you’re a busy parent.
Exercising has made me a better mom, wife, and friend. I have so much more energy during my day, and I just feel like my head is clearer after a workout!

You should always consult with your physician before starting an exercise routine. This post may contain affiliate links. That means if a purchase is made using a link on this page, I may earn a small commission at no additional cost to you. Don’t worry – I only recommend things that I know and love! Thank you for supporting my small business.
7 Ways Working Out Has Made Me A Better Mom
I have more energy throughout the day.
It seems backwards, right? If you’re tired and have low energy, why would working out help?
The endorphin rush and increased blood flow give me the energy to get through my day. I am happier, calmer, and more bright eyed after that adrenaline rush that my HIIT workouts give me.
And on days that I crave a lower impact workout, I focus on yoga and pilates. It totally resets my busy brain! I can organize my thoughts better and be more productive.
I am more patient
After my workout, I am happier, more patient, and feel like I can do anything!
I have the energy to make sensory bins, do arts and crafts, and dance around with my kids because I took the time to exercise. I am able to be the mom I want to be because I have so much more patience after working out.

Improved self esteem and confidence
I had three babies in three years, and my waistline has noticed. Between each of my pregnancies I did get back into an exercise routine, but I never fully lost the baby weight before getting pregnant again! This has affected my self esteem in a negative way.
Since I’ve started losing weight, my confidence has improved greatly. I’m starting to feel good in my skin again. I’m just turning 28 this year, so I still want to look and feel youthful even though my days are filled with spit up, boogers, breastfeeding and sticky toddler hands.
When I exercise, I am not only able to lose weight, but my skin is clearer and I look brighter and happier.
I have a desire to eat healthier
It’s easy to fall into the habit of quick convenience meals and takeout when life gets busy. But when you’re taking the time to exercise, you don’t want to waste a good workout by eating a bad meal afterwards.
Preparing healthy freezer meals in advance is a great way to ensure you are eating healthy even when life is busy. Meal prep is essential to keeping things healthy on a busy day.
You could also try a meal delivery kit service that lays everything out for you! Sun Basket is a great program if you are trying to eat healthy.
My mood is steady
Immediately after starting a postpartum workout routine, I noticed my mood improving. I’m not generally an anxious person, but there are definitely times that I get overwhelmed with the never ending housework and motherly duties.
After I exercise I feel much lighter and my anxiety is way down. Suddenly it doesn’t seem to matter so much that the laundry is behind and the floor needs mopped. Instead, I can sit and play with the kids and can worry about the “other stuff” later.
I feel way happier, calmer and more patient on days that I get my workout in versus days I do not.
It feels good to have something that you do for yourself
Oftentimes moms feel like their wants and needs are pushed aside. After all, taking care of the family is our biggest job!
By exercising, I feel like I get a little bit of “me” back. I am doing something that makes me feel good! It’s energizing to be able to set personal goals and achieve them!
Whether your goal is to be able to run a mile or to shed 10 pounds, it’s nice to focus on personal growth.

I’m setting a good example for my kids
Every day my kids see me breaking a sweat. They know that Mommy needs to exercise, and that they need to, too!
My kids love joining in on the fun. We do a lot of “silly dance parties” and I can incorporate some body weight exercises while dancing with them. We also do some yoga and stretching together, as well as plenty of gross motor play.
My hope is that they will create lifelong habits of incorporating exercise and self care into their daily routines as adults by exposing them to it as kids. I aim to make exercise and physical activity a normal and regular part of their routine!
Have you found an exercise routine you absolutely love? How has it changed your life?
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